In the right hypochondrium, just below the liver, is the gallbladder. This organ stores and excretes bile, which improves the absorption of fats and helps food move through the intestines. If the bile ducts become blocked (most often due to stone formation or infection, but other causes are possible), bile is not able to leave the gallbladder, resulting in an inflammatory process.
Advanced cholecystitis (this is what inflammation of the gallbladder is called) is fraught with serious complications, including rupture of this organ. A diet for cholecystitis will help control the disease and speed up the recovery of the patient.
In what cases is a diet for cholecystitis prescribed for the treatment of this disease
Therapeutic nutrition, which is an integral part of the complex treatment of cholecystitis, is aimed at stimulating the excretion of bile from the body and suppressing the inflammatory process. Acute cholecystitis, unlike chronic, develops rapidly – from several hours to several days. Chronic cholecystitis (more about the disease: is more sluggish, but both conditions are characterized by similar symptoms:
- pain syndrome in the right hypochondrium (especially manifested after eating fatty foods, soda, overeating), in which pain radiates to the subclavian region, scapula and shoulder, located on the right side;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- The acute form or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is characterized by fever, bitterness, or a metallic taste in the mouth.
When potential symptoms of any form of cholecystitis occur, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a qualified physician.
After collecting the necessary information, evaluating the symptoms, performing an examination, making an accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which may include:
- drug treatment in combination with diet;
- use of physiotherapeutic methods;
- surgical intervention.
Diet for cholecystitis: what foods can and cannot be consumed
Like any therapeutic diet, the cholecystitis diet is characterized by the presence of permitted and prohibited foods.
Foods that should not be eaten with gallbladder inflammation:
- fatty foods (its exclusion from the diet due to poor flow of bile into the intestines), namely: fried foods and animal fats;
- alcoholic beverages;
- salty products;
- smoked meats;
- sour and spicy dishes;
- carbonated drinks;
- coffee;
- legumes;
- canned food;
- horseradish and mustard;
- sugar in large quantities;
- fresh bread (preferably slightly dry before eating).
It is recommended to eat food with cholecystitis 5 times a day, however, it is important that food portions are small. As a cooking method, it is better to choose cooking or baking without adding fat. The temperature of the food consumed should not be too high or too low – this can provoke an attack.Products approved for use in cholecystitis:
- vegetable oil;
- low-fat and non-acidic dairy products;
- foods with a high content of magnesium salts (buckwheat, vegetables, fruits);
- lean meat;
- seafood;
- non-acid fruits and vegetables;
- oatmeal and pasta;
- half a glass of beetroot juice twice a day;
- turmeric;
- chicory drinks, kissels, compotes and juices (non-acidic).
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