Replenish your belly and body with extra pounds – the task is by no means difficult. Much harder to get the body back in shape. However, modern mankind knows many different methods. One of these is qigong. Using this technique, you can get a beautiful figure without making much effort. What is this method? Read more at

What is Qigong?

Qigong – This is a type of breathing exercises developed in China. At first glance, qigong resembles the principles of yoga. But in practice, this technique has striking differences. Qigong is aimed at restoring physical balance, and has no direct connection with spirituality. However, physical harmony always has a beneficial effect on the well-being and character of a person.

   This breathing exercise is very useful for weight loss. At least that's what her instructors say, who hit the gym several times a week. What effect does qigong have on human health? How do the mechanisms of this Chinese innovation work?

Qigong breathing exercises: what to expect?

 During qigong technique lessons, people actively practice various breathing exercises. This allows you to gain a sense of peace. Thus, it can be stated that qigong has a beneficial effect on the nerves, positively affecting the well-being and mood. This breathing technique is likely to help relieve headaches. This gives reason to experience such breathing exercises for yourself, but you should not expect that it will help you get rid of excess weight. To lose weight, you will have to reduce your portions several times and, most likely, completely change your diet. So, what kind of exercises does Chinese qigong offer? Here are a few tricks for beginners.

Tricks from breathing gymnasts

   These exercises can be done lying down, sitting or standing.

  • Take a breath into your lungs and stick out your belly. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lower your diaphragm.
  • Spread the mouse chest on the inhale and squeeze it out on the exhale.
  • Raise your shoulders as you inhale and gently lower them as you exhale.
  • Try doing all these movements at the same time.

    Remember, even breathing – this is the sign of a decent person. Take care of your nerves and figure! Read more about how to do this at

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