Nicotine addiction is very difficult to get rid of, especially for a person who has been addicted to cigarettes for many years. Researchers from the University of Haifa have found that a simple and familiar product can help with this.

According to Israeli scientists, supplements containing fish oil can compensate for the lack of omega-3 acids in the body. These acids are especially important for smokers who want to say goodbye to addiction forever.

Smoking for a long period entails a lot of negative consequences for the body. This is an increase in the risk of developing cancer, and possible problems with the respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems. Scientists have noticed that for people who have been found to be deficient in omega-3 acids, giving up cigarettes – almost impossible task.

It is known that a lack of omega-3 acids in the body can provoke various kinds of mental health disorders, including depression. These acids are helpers in the fight against stress. When a person is constantly in a depressed and depressed state, naturally, he will be drawn to smoke again. This makes quitting just another failed attempt.

Despite the fact that the modern pharmaceutical market is characterized by a variety of drugs to get rid of nicotine addiction, they are often not able to help people give up smoking. In addition, some drugs can cause various negative effects, only aggravating the general condition of the smoker's body.

Instead of such dubious drugs, experts recommend to pay attention to the dietary supplement in the form of fish oil. Such a remedy does not cause any special side effects, but the craving for smoking decreases when it is used.


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