Физиотерапия при остеохондрозе – эффективно ли лечение

Having heard the word osteochondrosis, we involuntarily mean by it problems, back pain. In fact, this is the name of complex disorders that occur in the joints, cartilage tissue. The disease affects people over 30 years of age. The risk group includes those who have a sedentary job, an unhealthy lifestyle, and obesity. One of the most common methods of treating joint pain – physiotherapy. To achieve a positive effect, 1-2 courses of procedures are enough, the action is directed exclusively at the center of the disease, without affecting the body. Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is carried out with drug therapy or independently. The essence of the procedure – factors of cold, energy, radiation, heat, magnetic fields act on the body. Target – eliminate pain, stimulate the body to heal itself, relax the muscles as much as possible.

estet-portal.com will tell you about the types of physiotherapy, how the treatment takes place, whether there are any contraindications.

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor conducts an examination, a survey, studies the picture of previous diseases, you may be checked for spinal curvature. An x-ray will help establish the correct diagnosis, the picture shows the displacement of the intervertebral discs, the location of the vertebrae, the structure of the spinal column, and the presence of injuries. For a more informative conclusion, you will be referred for an MRI, CT – this will allow to exclude or confirm the presence of tumors, pathological abnormalities in the tissues.

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Instagram! ; imitate diseases of various internal organs, therefore, depending on the localization of pain, you will be prescribed to undergo an ECG, ultrasound. Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is prescribed to patients at any age, with varying degrees of severity of the disease. 10 exercises to help with lower back pain

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• electrophoresis
– in the lumbar region, a direct electric current is applied, it is carried out with the use of drugs that penetrate through the skin; UFO – carried out with the help of irradiators, when exposed to irradiation, vitamin D is formed in the body, its function is to help absorb calcium, irradiators have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect;

• ultrasound therapy – influence on the body by sounds with a frequency of 20 kHz, for effective penetration into the affected tissues, they are used in combination with painkillers;

• shock wave therapy – improves metabolism, relieves pain, for this, an acoustic wave with a frequency of 16-25 Hz is applied to the affected area of ​​the body, the course is 1 month; detensor-therapy – the patient is placed on a special bed with movable rollers instead of a mattress, eliminates migraine, stops the development of pathological processes in the intervertebral discs by stretching the spine;
• vibration massage – I influence the diseased areas with a vibrating massager;
• balneotherapy
– the patient is placed in a hot bath with a massage function, the water is enriched with minerals and salts, improves blood circulation in the tissues; acupuncture
– to reduce pain, strengthen immunity, I act with needles on certain points of the patient's body, it is used to treat osteochondrosis very rarely, because. a small number of qualified specialists;
• massage
– to relax the muscles, massage actions are used aimed at the sore back area.Therapeutic exercises are used to prevent osteochondrosis. Studies show that with regular exercise, pain in the back, neck, and chest appear less frequently. To get started, go to the pool or try gymnastics, for complex cases – contact a specialist to draw up a course of exercises.

What is the use of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

When the disease is disturbed blood circulation in the spine, discs located between the vertebrae become less elastic, shrink, change their height. The fibrous ring, which is part of the disc, loses its ability to hold the spine, therefore it ruptures or protrudes, this is how an intervertebral hernia occurs. , flat feet, clubfoot, injured spine. During the treatment, damaged vertebrae are restored, disc dystrophy processes slow down, blood supply to tissues improves. During the procedure, exacerbation of chronic diseases is impossible, therefore it is allowed to be used by almost everyone. The metabolic processes of the body are normalized, the immune system is strengthened. xxxx>

My default image• pregnancy;

• oncological diseases of different stages;

• psychological deviations;

• if the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

• the presence of metal bodies in the body, for example, a pacemaker; • life-threatening heart disease, hypertension.

If your job involves sitting for long periods of time – do more gymnastics, change position. Try to eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins, magnesium plays an important role in strengthening bone tissue. Watch your weight, with its increase, the load on the back and spine also increases.
Even posture
– pledge of healthy joints. Contact your doctor in time to avoid health problems in the future.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

is not carried out independently, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, based on the history of the disease. Light gymnastic exercises in the morning will help you get rid of back problems in the future. My default image

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