Функции кожи: факты, о которых мало кто знает

Acne, rashes and sunburn are some of the issues that come to mind when people think about taking care of their skin. But how much do you really know about your skin and the vital role it plays in good health?Getting to know your skin is the first step to taking good care of it! If you want to find the best possible way to take care of it (for reasons of health or maybe rejuvenation), then knowing how it works and what functions the skin has is key. The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you in detail about the 10 most interesting facts about your skin.

Interesting facts: skin functions and features 

1. The skin is the largest organ in the body. bones,” says David Bank, MD, director of the New York City Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery. Skin makes up about 16 percent of our weight.

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2. There are four main receptors in the skin that respond to pressure: Meissner corpuscles, Merkel discs, Ruffini endings, and Pacini corpuscles. Each receptor responds to a different type of touch. “Meissner responds to light touch, Merkel to pressure and texture, Ruffini to stretch, and Pacini to vibration and deep pressure,” says Dr. Bank. In addition, there are many free nerve endings on the skin that measure pain and temperature.

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3. The skin plays an important role in regulating body temperature. Your skin acts as your body's thermostat. When the temperature rises, sweat glands are activated to cool the body. "Sweating is a bodily function that helps regulate body temperature," says Dr. Bank. "Normal sweating can amount to a quart of fluid per day." When the temperature is lower, the blood vessels in the skin constrict and limit the amount of hot blood that can reach the skin, preventing heat loss. The pores also get smaller when exposed to cooler temperatures to keep warm, according to the Bank.

4. Skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin. Skin color can vary from very pale to very dark, depending on how much melanin the body produces. Every person has the same number of cells that produce melanin, which is produced in the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis; but not everyone produces the same amount. The more melanin your body produces, the darker your skin.

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5. Your skin repairs itself. "Your skin sheds dead skin cells daily, creating a new layer of skin every 28 days," Bank says. “Even when you sleep, Mother Nature is doing her job of making sure your skin is exfoliating on its own, without your help.” This can leave dead skin cells on the skin, so it's important to remove them with an additional exfoliator.

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How often should you scrub? depends on your skin type. The bank recommends that people with sensitive skin exfoliate dead skin once a week, and people with acne or combination or oily skin should exfoliate twice a week. He recommends oatmeal exfoliants, which have soothing properties. Be careful when scrubbing with sharp or hard particles, such as apricot seeds or walnut shells, which can cause microscopic tears in the skin. "It's best to gently massage the exfoliating scrub into damp skin for three minutes, then rinse with cool water for best results," says Dr. Bank.6. The dust is partly composed of dead skin cells.

Dust is an accumulation of many materials, including dirt, animal dander, sand, insect waste, and even dead skin cells. In fact, every time you vacuum, you pick up dead skin cells from the floor, chair, and walls.

7. Millions of bacteria live on the skin. The surface of the skin is home to an amazingly diverse community of bacteria, collectively known as the skin microbiota. Harmless bacteria that "thrive" on the skin, can help immune cells fight disease-causing microbes.

Body Butter: How to Choose and How to Use 8. Skin changes can tell a lot about your health. Skin changes can be a sign that something is wrong.

Rash, hives, and itching may signal an allergic reaction, a bacterial skin infection, a viral infection, or an autoimmune disease. A mole can be a sign of skin cancer.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends checking any moles for skin cancer ABCDEs: A = asymmetry, B = border (irregular or poorly defined), C = color (which varies from one area to another), D = diameter (greater than 6mm) or the size of a pencil eraser), and E = developing (a mole or lesion that changes in size, shape, or color). If you notice any of these warning signs, see your doctor.9. Pimples are not caused by dirt or diet. This is a common misconception about the function of the skin. Pimples can be caused or worsened by menstruation and/or pregnancy due to changes in hormone levels, sweating, humidity, certain medications, and certain beauty or hair products.

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To help treat and prevent acne, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day and after work with a mild cleanser. Use non-comedogenic moisturizers and makeup, as well as oil-free sunscreens that won't clog pores, and wipe your face regularly with wipes or facial sponges. You should remove all makeup before bed, and wash and change sheets and pillowcases every few weeks. Not everyone's skin ages the same way. Oily skin types may have cursed their acne at a young age, but this factor will help you age more slowly than your dry skin. Oils naturally moisturize the skin and protect it from aging. Dry skin types can make up for this by applying a light moisturizer with hyaluronic acid because this molecule attracts water.<

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Stress is not only responsible for acne - it can affect the structure of your skin. Stress can thin your skin and reduce its ability to regenerate, causing you to age faster.

10. The sun has no positive effect on acne, does not contribute to their disappearance. Contrary to popular belief, sunbathing only makes acne worse, not better. The initial, temporary drying effect and tan that hides blemishes may fool you, but UV rays actually stimulate oil production. What's more, the sun's rays also thicken the outer layer of your skin, which clogs your pores and leads to breakouts.

Sunburn: the effect of the sun on the body


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Always protect yourself from the sun by limiting your time in the sun, especially from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Wear a hat and protective clothing and choose a sunscreen

broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher.

Proper care – pledge of long-term youth and health

Regularly check your skin from head to toe for unusual changes. Look for moles that are different, sores that won't heal, skin growths, and moles with one or more "ABCDE" characteristics. See a dermatologist immediately if you have any warning signs.

Your skin plays a vital role in protecting your body, so it's important to take steps to promote skin health. Skin care doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming, and can quickly become second nature, like brushing your teeth. You can keep your skin looking and feeling great by protecting against a range of skin problems, from chapped skin to premature aging. and skin cancer. It's important to develop healthy skin habits - and it's never too late to start.

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