Генетическое тестирование – основа персонализированной медицины 21-го века

Many great minds have broken their spears in search of the "elixir of youth" and the "pill for immortality". Many crooks also used the desire of the powers that be to find a means to achieve eternal youth – gave them the illusion of such decisions. The most successful and outstanding adventurers have immortalized their names in literature - for example, Count Cagliostro.

But pharmacology, with all its capabilities and resources, has not yet found such a remedy. However, there is one unique genetic factor that we can influence to prolong a healthy and happy life.

Svyatoslav Khanenko, MD, MBA, founder and head of "SQLAB - clinic for the healthy", master of business management ( Barcelona Business School, specialist in family medicine, public health, health management.

A little about the influence of genes on the duration and quality of life

If a means to achieve eternal youth were found, we would see its effect on the example of the richest and most famous. At the same time, we see how some of us manage to achieve outstanding results on the path of noble aging.

David Rockefeller (died in 2017 at the age of 101) solved this issue with the help of heart transplants (in total he underwent 7 heart transplants in his life). Jane Fonda (79 years old) – claims that purity of mind and sports (in that order) help her look great, be full of strength and energy at almost 80 years of age.

Each success story of effective anti-aging has its differences, but there are also many similarities. For example, genes. With all the variety of theories and practices in health, rejuvenation, anti-age medicine, etc., all experts agree on one – our genes have a huge impact on how long and how well we live our lives.

Our genetic code can be compared to the cards we get when playing preference. Having received good cards (genes), we have a great chance of winning (a long and happy life). However, with a bad game (bad upbringing, self-destructive lifestyle and thoughts, illness, injury), you can lose even with the best cards.


In the 21st century, technology allows us to understand our genes in detail.  What is it for? To win! Winning (living a long and happy life) is possible only by knowing the "cards" that we play. Otherwise, you can only hope for a lucky break. But this is not about you and me. We are used to being the masters of our lives. Do not go with the flow, but choose what will happen to us!

What is the essence of genetic testing and why is it needed

With the help of genetic testing, we can determine with a very high degree of probability our predisposition to certain conditions (the so-called gene polymorphisms) - from the optimal type of nutrition to the specifics of skin metabolism and response to stress.

Most genetic tests only need to be done once  – throughout life, their performance remains unchanged, regardless of environmental factors and lifestyle.

But there is one unique genetic analysis that we can influence! This is a measurement of the length of telomeres of chromosomes in order to determine biological age.

Telomeres of chromosomes – These are sections of chromosomes that are constantly reduced throughout life. The rate of telomere contraction is affected by human genetics, lifestyle (nutrition, bad habits, stress, etc.), past diseases. The longer the telomere – the biologically younger the person, the higher the reserves of the body.

Thus, with the help of a very simple analysis (material – mucosal epithelium, taken with a cotton swab from the inner surface of the cheek), we can determine how "worn out" we are at a given moment in life. The collection of material is painless and takes no more than 5 minutes.


What is the main advantage of measuring the telomere length of chromosomes? Because it is a dynamic indicator: with its help, we can monitor the effectiveness of our wellness activities – balanced nutrition, training, SPA procedures, trainings, taking dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, etc.

In practice, this happens as follows:

  • measure the initial index of chromosome telomeres;
  • going through health activities;
  • fixing the dynamics of telomere length changes (re-analysis);
  • we analyze the effectiveness of recreational activities;
  • correcting the wellness program.

And then we enjoy the process and the result of recovery.

We invite you to "SQLAB – clinic for the healthy" to determine your biological age based on the length of chromosome telomeres. 

Together we will win this game! 

Contacts "SQLAB – Healthy Clinic"

Kyiv, Kozhemiatskaya street, 14B,

Phone: 050 418 59 58, 098 918 59 58

Website: http://www.sqlab.com.ua

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