Many parents very often face the fact that they simply cannot calm down their child. It was as if a “motor” started up in the child. Every now and then he does not obey, runs, jumps, cannot sit quietly in one place. In addition to this, inattention and excessive emotionality are added. You can't leave your baby alone for a minute. Modern medicine calls this phenomenon: hyperactivity of the child. What is it, how does this condition affect the life and health of the baby, and how to overcome such a problem – the online publication will tell you about all this.

What is hyperactivity: main factors

Initially, a child's hyperactivity could not be called a disease. This phenomenon was most likely considered a behavioral developmental disorder. But in the 60s of the XX century this condition was called a pathology and in the 80s it was classified as an independent disease, calling such a problem "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)".

The most interesting thing is that there is no damage to the brain as such, only a slight disorder of the central nervous system is observed. According to the results of studies, it was revealed that with this syndrome, the child's brain develops with a delay of 3 years. This important organ processes information with great effort.

According to statistics, 7% of children worldwide have hyperactivity of the child. Moreover, boys suffer from this problem more often than girls. And the peak of excessive activity falls on the age of 6 to 12 years.

With age, hyperactivity subsides. But it is not uncommon for it to manifest itself in adulthood with high energy, vitality and little need for sleep. But such people have a very complex impulsive character. For them, there is nothing worse than monotonous work.

Child hyperactivity: how it manifests itself

Many mothers confuse normal activity with hyperactivity. In fact, "zhivchika" very easy to recognize by the following features:

  • restlessness – the child is constantly spinning, spinning, does not sit for a long time in one place. Very often they say that he has “an awl in one place”
  • absent-mindedness – the baby cannot concentrate on one thing, whether it is playing, reading a book or schoolwork;
  • forgetfulness – a child can easily forget his toy in kindergarten or a pencil case, briefcase or sports uniform at school;
  • impulsivity – the child cannot control his actions, in most cases he does everything thoughtlessly. For example, he may burst into tears, laugh out of nowhere, or abruptly get up from his seat and leave at the most inopportune moment;
  • aggressiveness – often children suffering from such a disease become simply insane: they can fight over trifles, shout at their parents, break something or throw something;
  • naughty – fidget ignores what adults tell him and does everything in his own way;
  • sleep problems;
  • speech delay and so on.

If you notice all of the above signs in your child, be sure to show it to a neurologist and psychologist. And the sooner, the better. Otherwise, the child will simply lag behind in development further, which will have a bad effect on school performance and communication with classmates.

Main causes of the problem

The main "culprits" such troubles as a child's hyperactivity are difficult to identify, because there are many hypotheses. But in the course of numerous studies, it was revealed that the causes of ADHD are still embedded in the genes and physiology of the child.

The following factors can provoke the occurrence of such a disease:

  • lack of certain hormones;
  • infectious diseases and past injuries;
  • neurological diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lead poisoning;
  • passion for sweets;
  • family conflicts;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) in the mother during pregnancy, as well as constant stress and premature birth.


How to save a child from hyperactivity: tips for parents

If your child has turned into a bunch of energy, do not rush to scold and punish him. Shouting, threatening and wearing a belt will only make things worse. The kid can not only completely lose control, but also withdraw into himself. Therefore, for starters, parents need to try to help their child, show patience and a wise approach.

You can get rid of hyperactivity both with medication and traditional methods. In the first case, after a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes various procedures and drugs (stimulants), the main purpose of which is – reduce the symptoms of the syndrome. But it is better to resort to such treatment as a last resort.

The first step is to bring the child's nutrition back to normal. To do this, it is worth including more foods that are saturated with useful vitamins and minerals in the diet.

Lack of important trace elements in the body leads to a deterioration in the development of the brain, memory, memorization, and attention.

It is very important that the child consumes foods that contain Omega-3 fats (mostly fish). The fact is that this element has a calming effect. Also, you can not do without fresh vegetables, fruits, cheeses, yogurts and kefir. However, you will have to limit the child from sweets, leaving only dark chocolate, in which there is very little sugar. Such a product significantly reduces the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood, leading to nervousness and agitation.

There are also tips for "taming the shrew" from psychologists:

  • Connect with your child. Most often, this problem occurs due to a lack of parental attention. Therefore, it is very important to talk with your child, spend more time with him, and also help him in every possible way.
  • Set the rules that the child must follow. This can be, for example, "make your bed", "clean your room", "learn your lessons", "brush your teeth" and so on. Requests must be made in a clear and specific manner, but without pressure.
  • Teach your child to observe the regime in everything. This will help him calm down and behave more decently.
  • Prohibit wisely. This means that you need to formulate prohibitions in such a way that the child understands what can and cannot be done. The words “no” are very important. and “cannot” replace with other words.
  • Direct the energy of the child in a useful direction. It can be swimming, cycling, painting, clay modeling and other activities. When a child is busy with some business, he simply will not have the strength for various tricks.

As you can see, – this is not a sentence. Even from such a problem, you can get rid of it easily and quickly if you pay more attention to your child, feed him only healthy food and keep him busy with interesting things.

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