Only a qualified specialist can answer the question of how wheat, gluten and brain diseases are related – gastroenterologist. Today, sayings are becoming so popular: gluten-free diet, gluten-free products, gluten. Neuroscientist D. Perlmutter claims that carbohydrates and, in particular, gluten destroy the psyche and provoke brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, autism and others. Consider how gluten affects the body, what is its harm to the brain.

Gluten and celiac disease, what's the connection 

Gluten or gluten is a vegetable protein found in abundance in wheat, oats, rye and barley. Consists of two proteins: gliadin and glutenin. Gluten can be found in chocolate bars, pasta, salad dressings, and even mascara.

When scientists first started talking about gluten sensitivity and when the disease was discovered – celiac disease, it became clear that the most unpredictable changes can occur in the body under the influence of gluten. A person may not be aware of their sensitivity to gluten and lead a habitual lifestyle, harming their body.


Main signs of celiac disease:

  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • pallor, puffiness;
  • irritability;
  • Migraines.

Read also: 9 unexpected signs that indicate gluten intolerance

How gluten affects the body

The inner walls of the intestines are covered with villi – they help digest food and absorb nutrients. When gluten or gluten enters the intestines, the villi change (smooth out), which prevents the process of digestion of food and absorption of useful components. Therefore, it is believed that it is intestinal disorders that are the first causes of celiac disease.

In the case of gluten sensitivity, after eating a piece of bread and going through the process of digestion in the intestines, an attack of immune "guardians" begins; gliadin (one of the gluten proteins). This is due to the similarity of gliadin with the proteins of tissues in the body, that is, organs, for example, nerve cells, heart, thyroid gland. The immune system perceives gliadin as a foreign body and sends all means to get rid of it. In addition to gluten, all other organs in the human body are also attacked. Thus, an autoimmune disease develops, under the influence of which one's own cells destroy their own kind.

Read also: Symptoms of celiac disease and possible complications of gluten deficiency

Gluten and brain disease

In addition to the main signs of gluten intolerance that causes celiac disease, many other neurological symptoms can appear: loss of clarity of thought, decreased mental activity, constant forgetfulness, loss of attention, difficulties in communicating, remembering, managing your emotions. A gluten-free diet is used to treat and facilitate therapy for children with autism. Gluten sensitivity can cause cerebellar ataxia. A gluten-free diet greatly improves the condition of patients with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia.

In addition, Alzheimer's disease can also affect a person who eats foods rich in gluten. Dr. David Perlmutter claims bread is to blame because wheat contains up to 80% gluten.

Everyone decides for himself whether it is worth giving up gluten completely or partially, or ignoring such conclusions of scientists. You can check for yourself whether eating bread is so harmful if you give up all products containing gluten for a while and observe your body and brain activity. In addition, it is worth getting tested and find out if indigestion, bloating and flatulence is a manifestation of celiac disease. Only the results of the examination and observation of your body are indisputable evidence in favor of the rejection of gluten.

The question arises, so why did our ancestors, who used wheat for centuries, not suffer from any brain diseases until now? The reason is that today's cereals are different from those that were grown centuries ago. Under the influence of crossbreeding, genetic modification and pesticides, wheat first of all changed its composition towards the accumulation of harmful components. Meanwhile, researchers claim that the wheat of our time has 2 times more gluten than it used to.


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