Гоммаж – прекрасная альтернатива салонной чистке лица

The skin of the face periodically peels off. And this is absolutely normal. After all, in this way she gets rid of dead cells. But if you do not take care of it, do not consume enough vitamins and minerals, and also constantly experience stress, this natural process is disrupted. Horny particles clog pores, and the skin becomes dull and lifeless. Especially often this problem is observed after winter. Reanimate the dermis under the power of gommage. This is a popular spring procedure that combines all the delights of scrub and peeling. What it is, how it works and how it is done at home, estet-portal.com will tell you.

Homage and scrub: what is the difference

Gommage – cosmetic novelty in the beauty industry, presented in the form of a cleansing cream. It was developed by French cosmetologists as an alternative to aggressive scrubs and peels. How is it different from a facial scrub?

Both of these products cleanse pores of dirt and dead skin cells. But gommage has a softer and more gentle effect. It does not leave behind redness, scratches and other damage on the skin, as is usually the case with scrubs. Therefore, this tool is ideal for owners of dry, thin, sensitive and problematic dermis. And it is good to use it in the spring, when the skin is most susceptible to adverse environmental influences.

There are no coarse particles in the cream, which are usually found in scrubs. Dead cells are exfoliated by the action of fruit acids and enzymes.

Cleansing cream is based on clay, paraffin or natural wax. Also, the composition of such a product includes other active components:
•    plant extracts;
•    fruit acids (malic, citric, tartaric, etc.);
•    flour of various cereals;
•     algae;
•    sea salt;
•    essential oils;
•    thermal water.

How does the cleansing cream work and what effect does it bring

The word «hommage» comes from the French gomme, which translates as "eraser". Indeed, the cream, like a stationery, removes all impurities, stratum corneum and irregularities from the skin. Therefore, gommage is called not only a remedy, but also a procedure for removing the top layer of the skin.

The active components of the cream soften and dissolve keratinized formations. Then particles of dirt, sebum and dead cells stick to the dried film formed on the face after application of the product, and roll along with it.

Gommage – this is 2 in 1. After all, in addition to deep and gentle cleansing, this procedure also provides massage, which improves blood microcirculation, accelerates cell metabolism, normalizes water and fat balance, and also improves the protective functions of the dermis. After using such a product, the skin absorbs other creams and masks better.

In addition, the beneficial components that make up the cream nourish, moisturize, soothe and rejuvenate the skin. As a result of regular use of this product, it becomes not only fresh, but also elastic, soft, elastic and rejuvenated. Instead of a lifeless shade, a healthy color appears, and a blush looms on the cheeks.

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Indications and contraindications: what you need to know

This cosmetic product is perfect for mature skin. But as a prevention of early wrinkles, it can also be used for a young dermis. Only in this case, the result does not always meet all expectations.

The tool will come in handy when:
•    presence of age-related changes;
•    avitaminosis;
•    constant stress;
•    negative environmental impact;
•    Incorrect or insufficient cleansing of the skin.

But the gommage mask is not for everyone. It is contraindicated for those who have rosacea. And if the skin is too thin, sagging, stretched or has inflammation, it is necessary to apply the product with the utmost care.

Performing a salon procedure at home

Gommage is usually performed in beauty salons. But such a cosmetic procedure can be carried out at home. For this, both a store-bought remedy and a cream prepared by one's own hands are suitable. The last option is considered the most optimal. After all, all the ingredients here are natural. Yes, and this cream will cost much less.
There are many recipes for gommage creams, but we have selected one of them, which was developed by cosmetologists.

It contains all the available ingredients that you can find in your kitchen and pharmacy. And prepare a homemade cosmetic product as follows:
•    3 tsp semolina is poured into a small bowl, then poured with hot water, mixed and infused for 5-7 minutes;
•     1 tsp is poured into another bowl. lemon and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed apple juice;
•    3 tsp is added to the juice mixture. oatmeal and everything is thoroughly mixed;
•    3 drops of vitamin E and 4 drops of vitamin A are added to the resulting mixture, then the agent is mixed;
•    the mixture is combined with real semolina;
•    add 1 tbsp. l. yogurt and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Before applying the product, the face must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics, dust and dirt. In this case, you cannot use a scrub or peeling, otherwise you can damage the dermis. Next, gommage is gently applied with fingers on the face, after which the dermis is massaged. This is done along the massage lines. When the mask dries, it will begin to roll itself. After the procedure, wash with warm water and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.

If you have hypersensitive skin, you should not roll the product. It must be washed off with water.

This procedure should be carried out 2 times a week. And it is advisable to do this in early spring, when the sun is not yet so active. The mask with the help of gommage carefully and gently restores the skin of the face, and it is no worse than a salon procedure. After it, the face noticeably comes to life and freshens.


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