A person falling in love becomes happier, happier, his eyes sparkle, and a smile always shines on his face. The thoughts of a man in love are busy, it is difficult to offend him, as he feels very happy, he wants to sing, dance, write poetry. These manifestations have a physiological explanation. When a person falls in love, certain hormones are produced in large quantities, which is why they are called "hormones of love." Let's take a closer look at which hormones make us happy and put us in a state of euphoria when we fall in love.

The main hormone of love is dopamine

Dopamine is the main hormone of love, as it is produced in the largest amount. Dopamine – it is a hormone of pleasure, and it is secreted not only when falling in love, but also when gambling, as well as drug addiction. It is dopamine that influences the behavior of lovers, causing at first some dependence on dopamine.

Over time, the amount of dopamine production decreases, although long-term relationships keep its production at a certain level. What other hormones and substances support feelings, read further on estet-portal.com.  However, American anthropologists claim that the love hormone dopamine is intensively produced in the first 30 months of a relationship, so the expression "love lives for 3 years" scientifically sound.

The hormone of love, tenderness and maternal affection - oxytocin

Oxytocin is called the hormone of tenderness and is in second place in terms of importance and amount of production after the hormone of love. It is oxytocin that is the reason that lovers constantly want to hug, kiss and snuggle up to each other, in other words, to show tenderness.

Oxytocin is also a hormone of parental love, because its amount is very high in mothers, especially immediately after childbirth. In men, oxytocin is also released in greater quantities immediately after the arrival of a newborn child in the house.

In addition, oxytocin has an analgesic effect.

What other hormones of love affect the behavior of a person in love?

Another love hormone is testosterone, which is called the "macho" hormone. The hormone got its name because it is produced in large quantities in men with increased body hair on the chest, back and limbs. However, falling in love increases the production of the love hormone testosterone in both men and women.

Norepinephrine. The stress hormone norepinephrine also takes part in the correction of the behavior of a person in love and is a hormone of love. And who argues that falling in love – Is it some kind of stress for the body? Increased heart rate, increased body temperature, damp palms, dry mouth and feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" - all these are manifestations of increased secretion of the love hormone norepinephrine.

Read also: Norepinephrine – risk-taker neurotransmitter and predator hormone

The role of the GKG in the process of falling in love. Do humans have pheromones?

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a set of genes responsible for cell surface molecules. These genes are used to protect against external interference and are secreted through saliva, sweat.

A person senses these genes through the sense of smell, which leads to a feeling of attraction. The more differences between the genes in people, the stronger the attraction to each other in lovers. The major histocompatibility complex is not a pheromone.

Pheromones are chemical compounds that are perceived by the olfactory organ and increase attraction to a partner. It has not been fully established or confirmed whether a person has pheromones. That's who they have, so it's insects. But in society, any attraction to a lover is attributed to the activity of pheromones. Thus, when falling in love, the human body reacts in a certain way, which is influenced by bursts of love hormones.

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