Идеальный животик: основные особенности пластики живота

Daylight Saving Time – it's hot and swimsuit season. And everyone wants to appear on the beach in the best possible way: slender and with a toned stomach. However, sport is not always enough to get your body in shape. In such cases, plastic surgery comes to the rescue.

Abdominoplasty – This is a procedure that allows you to literally transform the figure. Anna Khorina, a plastic surgeon of the Nove Tilo clinic, a doctor of the highest category, a full member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons (UAPRES), told estet-portal.com about the main advantages and main technical features of tummy tuck.

Who can be shown tummy tuck

The operation is indicated for everyone who is not satisfied with the appearance of the abdomen. Ugly forms do not cause pain or physical discomfort, however, aesthetically – can become a serious problem.

Stretch marks, sagging skin, excess fat deposits, hernial protrusions - these are all indications for tummy tuck.

Often, all changes in the abdomen occur after childbirth, weight loss, or after previous surgical interventions. There is another category of patients who also need tummy tuck – I mean people who have a hernia of the linea alba, belly button or incisional hernia that require surgical correction.

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Laser lipolysis: can it be an alternative to tummy tuck

Laser lipolysis – this is an interesting, fairly new procedure, which has already acquired myths about its capabilities. However, in practice it has a limited range of possibilities.

If we are talking about a really deformed abdomen with stretched skin and pronounced fat deposits, in the presence of stretch marks, deformation of the navel, then there can be no talk of isolated treatment with laser lipolysis. Laser lipolysis is a procedure that we at Nove Tilo Clinic have successfully used to treat thin, slightly flabby abdomens, as this method allows the reduction of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall.

In case of severe deformity or significant fat deposits, laser lipolysis will not give the desired result.

Tell us about the technical features of abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty belongs to the category of fairly large operations associated with blood loss, so it requires more thorough preparation and a longer rehabilitation period. The incision for tummy tuck is made in the suprapubic area. Then the skin is exfoliated along with the subcutaneous fat from the aponeurosis. Mobilization of tissues is carried out up to the xiphoid process, the anterior abdominal wall becomes mobile and stretches down.

Excess tissue is cut off either at the beginning or during the operation, if necessary, the navel is moved. During a standard abdominoplasty, the excess flap is excised, the skin is moved down, and the navel is brought to the anterior abdominal wall. A modified type of abdominoplasty is used in cases where it is necessary to suture a deformity in the form of a hernia or diastasis of the white line of the abdomen. Then the navel is cut off not along the skin: it is cut off from the aponeurosis. Of course, most often abdominoplasty is supplemented with liposuction in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall or adjacent areas. This allows you to get a beautiful result at once.

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Will the scar be noticeable after tummy tuck

Many patients worry about the scar being minimally visible. To solve this problem, some surgeons prefer to apply staples or external sutures to the wound – but, in my opinion, the scar will be more noticeable – it will not be linear, and will have cross traces.

At the Nove Tilo Clinic we prefer intradermal suture. At the same time, if the skin is perfectly matched, and in the postoperative period, special plasters and means are used that accelerate healing – there is a chance to get a very thin cosmetic scar. Many patients then get a tattoo to permanently mask the scar. If scar hypertrophy occurs – we definitely carry out a correction, but we need to understand that no matter how hard we
try, there is no surgery without a scar.

What are the features of the rehabilitation period after abdominoplasty

It is often recommended to rest for two to three weeks after an abdominoplasty. Sometimes, depending on the volume of the operation, the rehabilitation period can last up to 3 months, for example, if a hernia repair or aponeurosis closure was performed.

During the recovery period, patients stay at home, visiting a doctor for dressings and removal of sutures.

Quite often, abdominoplasty is combined with breast plastic surgery. This is due to the fact that, fortunately, the body shape lost after pregnancy can be restored with the help of combined plastic surgery.

American surgeons often use the term "make mommy over" to emphasize the possibility of a one-time recovery of the female body after pregnancy. Therefore, plastic surgery very often becomes a way to solve problems, and its results can improve the quality of life of patients. We make people more beautiful and more confident – and this is our main task!

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