For a whole year, 12-year-old Landon Jones has completely lost his appetite. Doctors cannot determine what exactly the child is suffering from. Experts called this case the first in the history of medicine and admit that no one has ever encountered this before.

A previously cheerful child who ate a variety of delicious dishes with pleasure, now refuses everything that is offered to him. Landon constantly feels nauseous and dizzy. For the year the boy lost as much as 16 kilograms and continues to lose weight. Occasionally, parents manage to persuade the boy to eat at least a little food, but this is too little to give strength to the child. Due to the complete exhaustion of the body, Landon Jones is deprived of a full life and is forced to lie constantly.

Parents are very concerned about the condition of the child and are ready to feed him through a tube. Experts have certain guesses about what the boy is still sick with. One of them is possible disturbances in the work of the hypothalamus, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the reaction to hunger, thirst and body temperature. The second suspected cause may be related to the treatment of absence seizures, a type of epileptic seizure that the child has experienced over the past three years.


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