Причины лишнего веса: 9 болезней, от которых поправляются

Have a hearty meal and get carried away with sweets – this is not the reason for the rapid increase in body weight. More precisely, not the only provocateurs of obesity. There are a number of diseases, the development of which leads to a rapid increase in fat and extra pounds.

The causes of excess weight often depend on the well-coordinated work of internal systems and organs. Basically, what can provoke obesity – these are hormonal disruptions and disorders of those organs that produce hormones (hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries).  Let's consider 9 diseases that provoke weight gain along with deterioration and well-being.

Weight reasons you need to know

Very often it seems to us that excess weight is a banal overeating and if we reduce the daily ration, all problems will go away by themselves. But nothing like that happens

There are three "whales" of reasons that provoke obesity and prevent weight loss

  • Psychological reasons: worries, stress, constant anxiety, melancholy, a lot of negativism in life position, lack of sleep.
  • reasons related to nutrition: excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods, fast food, irregular and unbalanced meals, overeating after a diet, hunger strike;
  • reasons associated with physical activity, or rather its absence: sedentary lifestyle, limitation of physical activity, sedentary work.

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The above reasons are just the tip of the iceberg why fat accumulation occurs and obesity begins. In addition, the main reasons that occupy 80% of this iceberg – it's a health problem.

 9 diseases that cause excess weight

Adrenal cortex dysfunction leads to excessive secretion of the hormone cortisol, which can lead to excess weight.

Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome can be diagnosed immediately after examining the patient: the main symptom is a significant increase in body weight.

In excess of the hormone cortisol in the body can trigger various metabolic disorders. This hormone triggers the breakdown of protein and leads to an increase in blood sugar. This affects the rapid decrease in muscle tissue, and the increase in body fat. Basically, fat accumulates on the waist and hips, in the chin area, while the legs and arms do not get better and remain thin.

Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome cannot be left without medical treatment and control. This is fraught not only with obesity, but also with the development of cancer and death.

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Hypothyroidism: malfunction of the thyroid gland

This disease is associated with a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. It can be asymptomatic and masked for a long time. A decrease in the amount of hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and, as a result, to an increase in the accumulation of fat. The main symptoms can be confusing, attributing everything to the depletion of the nervous system or beriberi: fatigue, fatigue, memory impairment, drowsiness, a significant decrease in performance, anemia, constipation, menstrual disorders.

Do you know

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Genetics are to blame

Genetic pathologies such as Lawrence & ndash;Moon –Beadle's syndrome, Prader's –Willi's syndrome or Carpenter's syndrome develop due to malfunctions of the hypothalamus. An excess of hormones in the body provokes constant overeating – a person cannot distinguish whether the body is satiated or not. If you constantly oversaturate the stomach with food, it will stretch, digestive disorders will set in and obesity will begin to appear.

Find out what is

Diet 5 spoons. How is it possible to lose weight without feeling hungry? Violation of the hypothalamus entails not only problems with weight, but also a decrease in mental activity, which can lead to retardation and limitation. In addition, such disorders are often accompanied by malformations: asymmetry of the skull, curvature of the spine, an increase in the number of fingers or toes. Pituitary obesity – adiposogenital dystrophy

After injury or damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system, this type of obesity may develop. At the center of the problem of weight gain is the improper development of the reproductive system. Delayed puberty can lead to fat accumulation. It manifests itself in childhood or adolescence, during puberty.

Important! Parents should pay attention to the sequence of weight gain by the child: whether the weight is normal or exceeds. If the weight of the child is growing rapidly without a medical explanation, you should undergo an examination and find out the reasons for the excess weight.


Pickwick Syndrome

My default imageThis disease is characterized by obesity and respiratory failure. Lung pathologies are not observed during the development of this syndrome. The patient has to inhale and exhale more often due to the large weight and roundness of the forms. This syndrome most often develops in men between the ages of 40 and 60.

Scientists find it difficult to explain what is the reason for the development of this syndrome. A rapid set of excess weight begins after violations of the central nervous system, which leads to sleep disorder, increased appetite, and self-doubt. Patients feel weakness, drowsiness and excessive appetite – they are the worst enemies of normal weight and healthy appearance.

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Insulinoma This is a neoplasm that consists of β-cells of the pancreatic islets – triggers the release of large amounts of insulin into the blood. As a result, there is more insulin in the blood, sugar – less, resulting in hypoglycemia.

Seizures are characterized by cold sweat, trembling, tachycardia, a feeling of increased hunger and fear, hearing, voice, vision, and speech disorders. In severe cases, the patient may experience convulsions and coma.

Climacteric obesity

During the onset of menopause in women, the production of sex hormones produced by the ovaries decreases. These leads to the accumulation of excess fat according to the female type (thighs, abdomen, legs, chin). This type of obesity can occur after surgical removal of the ovaries.

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Mental disorders Many mental illnesses are accompanied by polyphagia – immeasurable "gluttony". It could be schizophrenia or dementia. Patients are so carried away by the process of eating that they do not notice when the signal of saturation comes, so they overeat and obesity begins.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This disease is an increase in the male sex hormones in the female body, resulting in excessive body hair (male pattern), lack of ovulation and, as a result, infertility develops, menstruation is disturbed or absent. Also, this disease provokes weight gain due to disruption of the reproductive system.

The reasons for being overweight can be very different. According to statistics, only 25% of cases of obesity occur due to the development of a disease in the body. The remaining 75% of overweight cases are due to lack of necessary physical activity, improper diet and irrational consumption of calories.

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