Diet and Nutrition

Dr. Ornish's diet: lifestyle can even change genes

The Ornish Diet Topped the Best Diets for Heart Health by US News & world report. For Americans, the name of Dr. Dean Ornish has long been associated with the prevention of heart disease, because it was he who at one time was the nutritionist for the Bill Clinton family.

According to Ornish himself, the diet can not only prevent, but also reverse diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also increase the amount of telomerase, which "repairs" the body, after three months. telomeres, the reduction of which leads to various diseases and premature death.

The Ornish Diet: Essence and Promises of the Author

The Ornish diet is based on the maximum restriction of the amount of fats consumed, since, according to the doctor, along with simple carbohydrates – main culprits of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Ornish also recommends getting 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day and eating unlimited amounts of approved foods without worrying about calories.

Alcohol and smoking are out of the question. You should also incorporate meditation into your lifestyle to reduce stress, learn to eat mindfully, spend more time with family and friends, and help others.

According to the doctor, there can be no benefit from diets or exercises alone – the approach should be comprehensive and include stress management techniques (relaxation, meditation, yoga) – Only then will the disease recede.  

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For about 30 years, the doctor has conducted studies that have shown that lifestyle changes – the best medicine that helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system. So, according to the author's research, after following the Ornish diet:

  • 1997 – a month later, the volunteers showed an improvement in blood flow;
  • 1983 (The Journal of the American Medical Association) – after a month, the ability of the heart to pump blood improves;
  • 1990 (The Lancet) – after a year, the blockage of the coronary artery is eliminated;
  • 1998 (The Journal of the American Medical Association) – after five years, the state of the heart improves on average by 300% and the number of cases of cardiac dysfunction decreases by 2.5 times;
  • 2008 (The Lancet Oncology) – after three months, the amount of telomerase increases by 30%.

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What you can and can not eat on the Ornish diet

The Ornish Diet is designed to minimize animal proteins, such as:

  • red meat;
  • pork;
  • Fatty dairy products.

Doctor calls for more complex carbohydrates in the diet:

  • whole grains;
  • vegetables;
  • soybeans;
  • egg white;
  • fruit;
  • low-fat dairy products.

In moderation, Ornish allows you to use:

  • fish;
  • sugar-free corn flakes and crackers;
  • skinless chicken;
  • avocado;
  • nuts;
  • seeds.

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Dean Ornish's recommendations for those who wish to prevent heart disease

If the disease has already manifested, the Ornish diet will be tougher (with the complete elimination of foods that can be eaten in limited quantities to prevent disease):

  • only 10% of calories should be provided as fat;
  • 20% calories – proteins;
  • 70% calories – carbohydrates;
  • almost entirely plant-based (no more than 10mg of cholesterol per day);
  • no meat, fish, poultry;
  • no caffeine (except green tea);
  • serving of soy products per day.

Neil Ornish also recommends supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids.

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Criticism and potential harm of the Ornish diet

The Ornash Diet has many critics who believe that the amount of fat provided in the diet is too low to ensure the normal functioning of the body. Ornish himself refutes such criticism as follows: “The spectrum provides an individual approach based on the needs, genes and preferences of the person. If you want to fight heart disease and cancer, you need to make a big change. The Mediterranean diet cannot reverse heart disease, so it is easier to follow.

The Ornish Diet will bring maximum benefit to people with:

  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is also useful as a preventive measure:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes.

Experts warn of the potential for essential amino acid deficiencies and problems with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, as well as protein, iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies.

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However, Ornish himself emphasizes: “The biggest common misconception is that I supposedly recommend that every person adhere to the strictest diet. Such measures are necessary only for people with serious illnesses. The diet spectrum can be adjusted according to the state of health and the needs of the body. Change your life – everyone can become healthier, more active and happier. reminds you that by choosing the best diet, sitting on the couch and not turning to a specialist, you risk missing and causing reparable or irreparable harm to your health. Therefore, do not be guided by reviews about diets – There is no one size fits all meal plan. The best dietary recommendations can only be given by a qualified specialist after the necessary tests have been carried out.

After the diet, do not forget to do gymnastics. You can use this one!

  • Comments (1)

    14 февраля 2016, 08:00

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