The ideal of beauty for the modern woman – it is a toned body, no cellulite, even tones and smoothness of the skin. Harbingers of age-related changes in the body are wrinkles, age spots and dark circles under the eyes. It is with these problems that it is necessary to fight after 30 years. Dark circles under the eyes appear due to health problems, with excessive psychological or physical stress, as a result of improper care of the periorbital area. Bruises around the eyes can spoil even the most perfect makeup, so it is important for every woman to know how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes and always look one hundred percent.

Dark circles under the eyes: fashion or lack of attention?

Every year, fashion gives women new trends and trends in makeup or clothing style. Let's remember how in the 20s of the last century there were fashionable images with haze under the eyes. Women wore special darkening makeup to appear more romantic and dramatic. Today, freshness and beauty are at stake. Therefore, circles under the eyes may indicate either a health problem or a lack of care for the periorbital area.

The most sensitive area is the skin around the eyes and the reason for everything is the structural features of this area on the face. The first signs of skin aging appear in the corners of the eyes (crow's feet), the first health problems are imprinted on this part of the face. Therefore, the skin around the eyes requires special, gentle and gentle care.

The skin on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks or chin has 7 to 10 layers, and the epidermis around the eyes consists of a maximum of 5 layers. There are 4 sebaceous glands on the face to produce subcutaneous fat and lubricate the skin. But in the area around the eyes, only one sebaceous gland works.

It fails to fully provide a protective layer of fat, which leads to vasoconstriction and the appearance of dark circles and bruises. A smaller amount of collagen and elastin, with an increased manifestation of blood vessels that are on the surface, contributes to their translucence through thin skin. This feature creates the effect of blue under the eyes. In addition, the skin in the eye sockets is in constant motion: blinking (on average from 40 to 100 thousand times), inept massage, smiles, or frown – All this leads to an acceleration of the aging process. To decide how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to find out the cause of the blue. There are 2 types of causes: medical and cosmetic.

Causes of bruising around the eyes

If the problem of bruising in the eye area is the presence of any disease, then it is worth fighting the darkness with the help of the treatment of this disease. If the problem is – in the wrong cosmetic care, you can use the latest achievements of cosmetology and dermatology to permanently get rid of this flaw in your appearance.

The causes of dark circles under the eyes: life under the microscope

Non-medical reasons

Permanent lack of sleep, fatigue and depression provoke malfunctions of the nervous system and, as a result, dark circles appear under the eyes. A person must rest at least 8 hours per day, so less sleep creates an imprint under the eyes: the vascular network is translucent, the skin color becomes dull and grayish.

Mechanical action on the skin near the eyes makes it more vulnerable. The bad habit of rubbing your eyes, non-compliance with the technology of applying makeup and too aggressive massage of the entire face adversely affect the skin under the eyes – this contributes to darkening the space.

Take a close look at your parents' eyes, and it will immediately become clear whether your blackouts under the eyes hereditary or not.

Even if there is no genetic predisposition to the appearance of dark spots under the eyes, the situation can be aggravated by hard exhausting work, long sitting in front of a computer monitor, passion for watching TV, the presence of bad habits. Even tanning in a tanning bed can provoke purple "jewelry"; in the eye area.

Another factor – This is the natural appearance of dark spots during the aging process. Age-related changes make the skin dry and flabby, thinning it.
Dehydration of the body or beriberi (hypovitaminosis) can also provoke dark spots in the eye sockets, while sunken eyes and face weight loss are also visible. Constant diets and dramatic weight loss entail a tired look and shadows under the eyes.

Medical reasons

When the disease progresses slowly and steadily in the body, dark spots under the eyes can signal serious problems. Such an unpleasant appearance can be a harbinger of cholecystitis, kidney or heart failure, cholelithiasis, anemia or disorders of the nervous system, as well as the presence of Giardia or helminths.

Children's pathology of dark skin around the eyes may be a consequence of the development of chronic tonsillitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, enlarged adenoids, sinusitis. In both children and adults, blackouts can occur with allergies or conjunctivitis, frontal sinusitis or glaucoma.

Differentiation of skin color disorders under the eyes


How to identify the cause of the appearance of black circles in the eye sockets

You should not immediately resort to the services of cosmetologists and adjust tonal means to mask this defect. First of all, find out the causes of such circles in order to begin treatment and quickly get rid of both the disease and blackouts. To do this, visit a therapist, an allergist, an endocrinologist, a urologist, and even a gynecologist to find out all sorts of reasons. Also, after visiting the doctor's / doctors' office, visit the laboratory and take blood biochemistry and a general blood and urine test, do a hormonal study, take feces for the presence of parasites. It is also worth paying attention to the procedure for ultrasound of the organs of the entire abdominal cavity and, of course, the kidneys. In case of confirmation of good health and in the presence of dark circles, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the cosmetic origin of this defect and proceed to the selection of procedures for its elimination.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

The beautician will advise you on all kinds of ways for daily care of the skin around the eyes.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes with cosmetic procedures:

• special facial massage (on your own or with the help of a professional);
injectable biorevitalization;
• laser hyaluronoplasty.

Laser rejuvenation or thermal lifting is also suitable, which are aimed at eliminating age-related defects, such as bags under the eyes, fine wrinkles, excessive pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes. One of the radical ways to get rid of annoying dark circles – this is lipofilling (fat transfer from one area to the periorbital area).

So, in addition to professional procedures, it is worth adjusting your diet and rest. Do not deny yourself the use of fruits and fresh vegetables, strictly avoid overexertion and stress, improve your workflow.

You can resort to folk recipes for skin care around the eyes. Use decoctions of medicinal herbs in the form of ice in the morning, also make masks at home, do not forget about gymnastics for the eyelids. Wear UV protection when outdoors in direct sunlight.

Remember how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes with the help of an integrated approach: careful treatment of the skin, the necessary cosmetic care, the use of professional procedures – all this will give long-lasting beauty to your skin and a great mood from an unsurpassed appearance.

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