Как лечить обветренные губы в любые сезоны

Almost everyone faces the problem of sores on the lips due to chapping, regardless of gender, age and even the time of year. The situation is aggravated by the habit that occurs in every second – lip licking. When the lips are dry, we instinctively try to moisturize them in this way, but only make it worse. Dry, chapped lips without immediate rehabilitation begin to crack and burst, causing pain, because the skin in this part is very thin. Crusts form, and this delicate part of the face becomes more like sandpaper. How to be in such a situation? Let's deal with estet-portal.com.

Why does the phenomenon of chapped lips occur

Oddly enough, the cause of chapped lips can be not only the wind, as many believe. In fact, they are much more diverse. Among them:
1. The habit of licking or biting lips. One of the most common causes of the described problem. It is most dangerous to do this in winter. In frost, the weathering process is accelerated. And it is aggravated by the fact that the saliva that gets on the lips quickly freezes.
2. Direct sunlight. Remember – lips also need protection from the sun.
3. Use of cosmetics of poor quality or one whose expiration date has already come to an end. Such products often dry out the sensitive surface of the lips.
4. Lack of vitamins.
5. Infectious or viral disease. It differs from normal weathering by the formation of bubbles.
6. Allergy.<

The cause of chapped lips can be not only the wind itself, but also the sun's rays, the habit of licking and biting lips, poor cosmetics, vitamin deficiency, infection, virus and allergies.
How to save chapped lips

There are many different tips on how to help dry lips, we have chosen the most effective and simple ones that do not require a lot of time and complex components:

  • Vaseline. An excellent remedy for softening chapped lips, especially when conventional balms can no longer help. We apply it on the damaged surface, leave it for a couple of minutes, then rub it in in a circular motion. Remains are removed with a cotton pad.
  • Honey – one of the most popular and available lifeguards in this situation. Preferably candied. But ordinary honey is also fine if you add a little sugar to it. We apply the mass on chapped lips and gently massage for about 5 minutes. This method perfectly softens the lips and removes dry crusts, and also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, if any.
  • Another great exfoliating option – mix
  • sugar and olive oil. The method of application is the same as with honey.
  • Cucumber. It's no secret that this vegetable is almost 90% water, but the fact that it can help with chapped lips may be a discovery for you. We rub it on a grater and make a mask from the pulp. After 5 minutes, remove and apply a moisturizing balm.
  • Oil. Olive or any other vegetable. If your lips are dry and there is nothing at hand that could moisturize them – just apply a thin layer of oil on the surface.
You can moisturize chapped lips with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or cucumber pulp. Honey or a mixture of olive oil and sugar will help soften and remove roughness.
Do not forget that the skin of the face is also constantly in need of care. To find out which procedures will help preserve the health and beauty of the skin, we advise you to read the article

on seasonal skin protection year-round.
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Cheased lips: the problem is easier to prevent than to solve

To forget about pain and cracked, rough lips, you need to follow a few simple rules:

1. Always use hygienic lipsticks. Arrange them in all your purses and backpacks so that they are always at hand.
2. Before going outside, especially in winter, apply a rich lip balm or baby cream to your lips.
3. Maintain the correct humidity in the room. It might even be worth getting a special humidifier.
4. Take courses of vitamins regularly.
5. Watch your diet.
6. Get rid of the habit of licking and biting lips.
Follow them, and the chances of encountering this problem will be significantly reduced.

To prevent chapped lips, you need to regularly use a balm, monitor nutrition, take vitamins and get rid of the habit of biting or licking your lips.
It is worth remembering that lips can become weathered not only in the cold, but also in the heat, which means you should never forget about proper care. We previously wrote about

mistakes in winter skincare that are also important to know. The causes of dry skin lie not only in weather conditions. Allergy, virus, bad cosmetics – all this affects the condition and appearance of the sensitive surface. Means such as honey, vegetable oils, sugar, petroleum jelly and even cucumber pulp will help us get rid of the problem. But it’s better to follow simple rules and not bring your lips to such a state when a regular balm no longer helps.

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