Как похудеть, учитывая тип фигуры: выбираем диету и упражнения

Depending on the type of female figure, you should choose not only clothes that will favorably emphasize your advantages and hide imperfections, but also a method of losing weight that will help to completely neutralize those very imperfections. This task should be approached comprehensively, supplementing daily physical activity with a suitable diet that includes all the necessary vitamins and excludes foods that adversely affect the figure.

Find out in this article what your body type is called and how to choose a diet and exercise based on that.

Types of a female figure: features, nutrition and training

There are three most common types of female figure – this is “pear”, ”hourglass” and “apple”. The last type is the most “harmful” of them, because due to extra centimeters in the abdomen and waist, the risk of developing serious ailments is significantly increased. To reduce the likelihood of all kinds of health problems and improve your appearance, you should use physical exercises and diets that suit a certain type of woman's figure.

How do you know what type you are?

To do this, divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. Depending on the result, you can classify yourself as one of the three main types of female figure:

  • female figure type #1 – “Apple” (from 1 to 0.75);
  • female figure type #2 – “Pear” (up to 0.65);
  • female figure type #3 – “Hourglass” (from 0.75 to 0.65).

Type of female figure – Apple

Features: Persistent fat deposits in the abdomen and waist.

Disadvantages: with this type of figure, the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases is increased.

Benefits: Losing weight around the abdomen and waist is much easier.


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  • try to avoid animal fats;
  • for breakfast, you should eat porridge and fresh fruit;
  • lean on fiber-rich foods (legumes, bran, root vegetables);
  • prefer lean meats, cereals, choose honey and dried fruits for dessert, eat more citrus fruits. To avoid the development of cardiovascular disease, eat more fish, walnuts and soy products;
  • as far as drinks are concerned, it is preferable to consume as much plain water as possible, as well as herbal and fruit teas. To make a detox tea, grind a thumbnail-sized piece of ginger, squeeze the juice from a lemon, and pour hot water over everything.

Workouts: abs exercises.

Type of female figure – Pear

Features: persistent fat deposits are located in the thighs and buttocks.

Disadvantages: increased risk of arthritis, women with this body type are prone to the formation of orange peel.

Benefits: The fat deposited on the thighs actively produces adiponectin – a protein that has the ability to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


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  • avoid juices from the bag, instead eat more fresh fruit;
  • reduce the amount of high-calorie and starchy foods (rice, potatoes);
  • cottage cheese (low fat), lean fish and seafood, wholemeal bread, dark rice, lettuce and greens will be useful.

Workouts: gymnastics for the buttocks and legs. You should also devote time to a special massage – knead your legs and buttocks with your hands in a downward direction. During the massage or after it, apply anti-cellulite creams.

Type of female figure – Hourglass

Features: slim waist, bust to hips, even fat deposition.

Disadvantages: women with such a physique can easily gain weight.

Benefits: this type of figure is recognized as the most favorable, because in order to get rid of excess weight in this case, it is enough to simply reduce the amount of food consumed.


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  • The following products are subject to restrictions: sweets, avocados, nuts;
  • sources of easily digestible protein should be included in the diet – skimmed milk,
  • eggs, lean meats, and lean green leafy vegetables.

Training: In this case, strenuous training is not required, in order to maintain shape & nbsp; it is sufficient to use walking, exercise bike or skis.

Each woman is unique and beautiful in her own way, but to emphasize the charm of her outlines, you should pay attention to proper nutrition and training.

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