The appearance of the skin directly depends on the normalization of moisture in the tissues of the dermis and the whole body, maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and ensuring the necessary tone of the muscular frame of the face. Tightness, elasticity and firmness, fullness ­– everything is provided by maintaining turgor, that is, moisture in the tissues. The term "turgor" is actively used by cosmetologists to determine the level of moisture in the skin. In addition, turgor indicates the presence of tension in the intracellular space. What is turgor, what is the relationship between turgor, elasticity, firmness and skin tone, we will consider in this article on

What does the term "turgor" mean?

Usually the word "turgor" is used in tandem with the words "skin", "face", "tissue". Tissue turgor – this is a certain resistance of the cell membrane, which is created by pressure in the intracellular space. Thanks to the turgor pressure in the cells, there is a natural blockage of dehydration of the whole organism and the skin in particular.

In cosmetology, turgor is understood as the tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin. Although in fact, it is elasticity, firmness and firmness that depend on skin turgor.

While maintaining an optimal level of fluid in the skin cells, resistance to gravitational and age-related changes is ensured. When cells age and wither, skin turgor decreases. And vice versa, when turgor decreases under the influence of non-age factors (ultraviolet radiation, bad habits), skin turgor begins to decline rapidly even in a young body.

How to check skin turgor:

Use two fingers to pull back the skin on the face or other body area, hold for 2 seconds and release. If the skin evenly returns to its original position, the turgor is in order and the skin is not in danger. In the case of low turgor, the skin will not be able to quickly return to the desired position, it will sag, thin and wrinkle.

Read also: What is collagen and what is its role?

Causes of decreased skin tone and turgor

In the female body, the condition of the skin depends on the level of estrogen hormones. Hormones control cells – fibroblasts responsible for the production of  elastin, collagen and hyaluron. With a stable hormonal background in the skin, the fluid level normalizes, the skin looks toned, firm and elastic. Therefore, the first reason for the decrease in skin turgor is considered to be a drop in the production of estrogen hormones in the direction of decreasing or increasing its amount.

An important role in maintaining skin elasticity is played by the level of moisture in the skin tissues. This is due to the vital activity of cells: as fluid enters the cell, the cytoplasm moves closer to the walls and forms pressure inside the cell. This pressure keeps moisture inside, preventing drying out. Through sweating through the skin, up to half a liter of water per day can be excreted from the body. In addition, the skin rapidly loses moisture when the air in the room is too dry, active ultraviolet radiation, and the constant operation of electrical appliances.  

To ensure the proper level of moisture in the dermis, the required amount of hyaluronic acid must be released. This acid is indispensable for cell regeneration and maintaining fluid in the skin. This substance is able to bind water molecules and evenly distribute them in tissues. Also, hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for the successful resistance of the skin to pressure or stretch.

Hyaluronic acid rapidly leaves tissues under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which negatively affects the skin, drying it out. In addition, the production of hyaluron in the skin decreases with constant stress, malnutrition, lack of movement, and the presence of bad habits. From the age of 25, the body gradually decreases the production of hyaluronic acid, and with it collagen and elastin.    

What is needed to restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin?

  1. Skin nourishment: contrast shower, bath with aromatic oils (rose, myrrh, pine, sandalwood, mint, frankincense, nutmeg), washing with cool water.
  2. Drinking enough fluids, including clean unboiled water.
  3. Use protective equipment in case of active solar radiation (especially in summer).
  4. Massage and gymnastics for the face 2 times a week. In this process, it is important to start the blood supply to the skin cells and strengthen the facial muscles.
  5. Eat vitamin complexes, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  6. Keep a healthy lifestyle – physical training, hardening of the body, adherence to the daily regimen and food intake.

Together with a cosmetologist, find out the reasons for the decrease in turgor, elasticity and firmness of the skin. The specialist will recommend the necessary preparations, cosmetic procedures and other means to normalize turgor, & nbsp; stimulation of the production of the necessary substances in order to return the tone and fullness of the forms.

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