Как правильно делать массаж лица

Every woman strives to preserve her beauty and attractiveness, but not everyone knows the secret of eternal youth. Now, it will be revealed to everyone in an article on estet-portal.com.

According to most of the world's leading makeup artists, the basis of beauty lies in the skin. A lady can keep a beautiful figure, put on a seductive outfit, but if the skin has lost its tone, the attractiveness of a woman is lost along with it. Moreover, unhealthy skin visually increases the age of the girl, and for mature ladies – highlights their years. Why does the skin lose its tone and how to maintain it?

Causes of flabbiness and wrinkles of the face and remedies

We have conducted many surveys among experts to present our readers with the best beauty recipes.

As it turned out, flabbiness of the skin and wrinkles on it can appear even at a very young age. The reason is the lack of vitamins, starvation, deficiency of minerals, in general – wrong diet. Therefore, in order to restore skin tone, it is worth starting with a trip to a nutritionist to get a recipe for the right diet. In addition, it is necessary to saturate the skin with moisturizing and nourishing creams. A cream containing creatine will become especially relevant.

Creatine – This is a unique biological substance that can restore and strengthen body tissues. It is often used externally to nourish and restore skin as well as hair. In addition, creatine is suitable for internal use, which is especially in demand among athletes. For them, creatine serves as a muscle tissue strengthener.

About how to properly wash your face in the morning and evening.

When caring for your face, do not forget about the regular use of water. Violation of the water balance in the body provokes the appearance of wrinkles. It is also recommended to wash your face with cold water to maintain tone. In addition, cold water contributes to the thickening of the skin tissue. 
But, all this cannot have the desired effect if you do not do a facial massage.

How to do a facial massage

Facial massage – it is a kind of separate discipline that requires a careful approach. Before starting to massage, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face with the help of gammage. The best way to do this is with a scrub.

Scrub provides deep cleansing of pores, stimulating more frequent skin renewal. But you can not abuse the scrub. It can be used no more than twice a week. On other days, the scrub should be replaced with a special facial soap.

It is also necessary to treat the hands by washing them with an alcohol solution or calendula. After that, you can start self-massage.

Three types of facial massage techniques are distinguished

Each of them is for a different occasion:

1. Classic technique

It is a light stroke, suitable for delicate sensitive skin.

2. Plastic technology

These are rhythmic fingertip pats, a great way to tone up.

3. Plucked technique

It is a light rhythmic pinching and squeezing, great for full ladies.

Warming up the face before performing a facial massage

Before starting the massage itself, it is worth preparing the face a little so as not to injure the skin. Warming up is a light point suppression, unhurried movements. The muscles of the face should relax. Movements should start from the eyebrows and slowly slide down the vertical to the lips. After that, you should pay attention to individual massage points.

Massage points are located

• between the eyebrows;
• in the center of the eyebrows;
• in the center of the forehead;
• at the temples;
• around the corners of the eyes;
• under the cheekbones;
• at nostrils, along the edges;
• under the nose, in the center;
• near the corners of the lips;
• under the lower lip, in the center.

When the face is completely relaxed and warmed up, it is worth moving on to a tonic massage.

How to do a facial massage

For facial massage to be beneficial, the correct sequence of actions must be followed.

Facial massage should be started from the chin. The first step is to pat the back of your hand underneath, under your chin. These rhythmic movements will insure against sagging skin and the appearance of a second chin. Then you can move on to a chin massage. All massage lines on the face are rounded.

Read on the topic "Cosmetic Facial Massage: Indications, Technique and Results"

It is necessary to move from the center to the edges, along the contour of the face. Massage should move slowly from bottom to top. After the chin, cheeks and cheekbones, temples and forehead are massaged. Special attention should be paid to the eyes and lips in order to avoid mimic wrinkles in the future.

Massage of the eyes is done around their orbits. Avoid pressure on the eyeballs. Eyelid massage is done in the direction from the nose to the temples. Don't forget to massage your lower eyelids as well. Lip massage should be done around, from the contour.

Don't forget to massage your nose. Massage movements should go from the center of the nose and diverge to the nostrils.

When massaging the face, pay attention to the neck. Over the years, the skin on it can become flabby, losing its aesthetics. Massage lines on the neck run vertically, from top to bottom.

To improve the effect of relaxation, we recommend creating a relaxing atmosphere during the massage. Subdued lights, atmospheric music, aroma oils or scented sticks will help with this.

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Remarkable! Wash your face and apply cream on it also follows the massage lines. The cream should be rubbed in with massaging movements. Don't forget that beauty recipes also include an active lifestyle, sports or fitness.

To maintain facial muscle tone, you need to perform three-minute gymnastics:


Keep your beauty from a young age! The best beauty recipes on estet-portal.com will help you with this.


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