Health – this is the main treasure that every person gets for free at birth. Unfortunately, people rarely appreciate such a gift. Every day, our body is negatively affected by many environmental factors, but among other things, we ourselves "throw unnecessary worries"; to our body. Bad habits and wrong way of life – this is a sure way to the development of heart disease, which today is the main cause of death worldwide. publishes the recommendations of the World Health Organization for the prevention of the development of cardiovascular pathologies.
Prevention of heart disease: useful tips
Pathological processes in the human body do not develop just like that. Some of them are the causes of genetic mutations and are diagnosed in utero or at birth. The development of such pathologies in most cases is difficult to prevent. But acquired pathologies almost always become the result of people’s careless attitude towards their own health.
The cardiovascular system of our body is one of the first to take a heavy blow, and heart disease necessarily affects the work of other organs and systems.
But it is fashionable to prevent the development of these pathologies quite easily, for this you just need to follow simple recommendations.
The World Health Organization has published recommendations for reducing risk factors for developing cardiovascular pathologies:
- Total cessation of smoking. Nicotine – one of the most harmful substances, extremely negatively affecting the functioning of blood vessels;
- Healthy diet: limiting salt intake, avoiding animal fats, eating at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits daily;
- Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day. Running is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the development of heart disease;
- Body weight control: normal human body mass index – up to 30 kg/m. With the help of a balanced diet and physical activity, you can maintain your weight at a normal level at any age;
- Limiting alcohol consumption to 2-3 units per day. 1 unit of beer – it is 250 ml., wine – 100 ml., and heavier alcoholic beverages – 25 ml;
- Compensation of diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemic drugs or insulin. Normal blood sugar levels for diabetics – up to 6 mmol/l on an empty stomach and 7.5 mmol/l after meals;
- Monitoring of arterial pressure and adequate and constant therapy at arterial hypertension. Normal body pressure – up to 130/80 mmHg;
- Blood lipid control with statins: total blood cholesterol should be less than 4 mmol/L.
Health must be protected from a young age. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are the most important in the human body.
If a person has heart disease – almost all organs and structures of his body will work poorly, as they will not be able to adequately receive the oxygen they need.
Any disease, including pathologies of the cardiovascular system, is much easier to prevent than to treat. Preventive measures will help you to maintain the health of your body for many years. The WHO recommendations are very simple and clear, everyone can follow them. Remember that your health – only in your hands.
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