Medicine and treatment

How to prevent clubfoot in children

Как предупредить косолапость у детей

Clubfoot — one of the most common orthopedic pathologies. Why does the disease occur? What are the main factors provoking the development of equinovarus deformity of the foot (this is the official name of this disease)? And most importantly, how to effectively resist the occurrence of clubfoot? After all, a beautiful, light gait — this is not only one of the important details that form the appearance of a person. The problem, not identified in time, worsens over time, causing new deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system. Together with we offer to learn how to prevent this disease.

The main causes of clubfoot development

First of all, it should be noted that there are congenital and acquired clubfoot. Among the factors provoking the development of congenital clubfoot, experts include:
·    pathology in the development of nerve fibers during fetal development;
·    disturbances in the formation of muscle tissue and ligaments;
·    pregnancy aggravated by severe toxicosis or insufficient amount of amniotic fluid;
·    use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, smoking.

Among the causes of acquired clubfoot are:
·    delay in the development of the ankle and feet in a child (compared to the development of the whole body);
·    the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system — dysplasia, rickets.
·    violation of posture or curvature of the spine, development of flat feet;
·    Wrong shoes.

Diagnosis of clubfoot: when to sound the alarm

Since the symptoms of clubfoot are noticeable even to a person far from medicine, the disease can usually be detected already at the earliest stages of development, which significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and complete elimination of the pathology.

Modern medical technologies make it possible to detect the development of clubfoot in the fetus as early as the 16th week of pregnancy.

The presence of clubfoot is determined by the following features:
·    Incorrect foot position — not parallel, but with a turn inward;
·    the inner side of the foot is raised, the support falls on the outer edge of the foot;
·    There is limited mobility of the ankle joint;
·    visible changes in the child's gait are noted.

If the disease progresses, other specific signs of the disease appear:
·    Mobility of the knee joints worsens;
·    ankle muscles atrophy;
·    You may experience rough skin on the outside of your feet.

Early prevention of clubfoot: what to do for a future mother

Since the problem can arise even during fetal development, a woman needs to take care of the normal formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system during pregnancy. Of course, we all know how important it is during this period to give up bad habits and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
In addition, do not neglect the ultrasound examination prescribed by the doctor, which will reveal the development of many pathologies at the very beginning.

And of course, you need to take care of a balanced diet containing enough essential vitamins, macro and microelements, easily digestible proteins and "slow" carbohydrates.
Sea fish, dairy products, grain bread and legumes, supplemented with vegetables, fruits and nuts should regularly appear on the menu of the expectant mother.

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Prevention methods for young children

Unfortunately, many orthopedic problems can also occur in a completely healthy baby under the influence of a number of adverse factors. When the baby begins to walk, the increased load on the feet can be too much for underdeveloped muscles and tendons, which can cause foot deformities that are characteristic of clubfoot. In addition, pathology can develop against the background or as a result of certain diseases:
·    hip dysplasia;
·    pyramidal insufficiency;
·    rickets.

And this means that parents need to pay close attention to the baby's gait, literally from his first independent steps.

We all know perfectly well that a child needs to move a lot. However, the loads must not be excessive.

Don't test your baby's endurance with too long walks. If you are preparing for a long walk, provide the crumbs with a vehicle to dose the load. It can be a stroller, and for older guys — bicycle.

Orthopedists consider special massage, swimming and cycling to be excellent means of preventing clubfoot.

Among the simple and affordable exercises to prevent foot deformities, experts recommend:
·    walking barefoot on sand, grass or a massage mat;
·    walking stairs;
·    walking up the hill.

In addition, slow running, tiptoe walking and other exercises that help strengthen the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the foot and ankle are useful.

Choosing the right shoes for your baby

Wearing uncomfortable shoes that do not fit properly is one of the factors contributing to the occurrence of pathological changes leading to clubfoot. What kind of shoes does your baby need?
First of all, they should never be tight or too loose. The length of the insole should be approximately 10 mm longer than the length of the foot. Orthopedists recommend buying kids shoes that have a tight heel, a fairly loose toe and an arch support insole that will help the correct formation of the arch of the foot. Of great importance is also the elasticity of the sole, which greatly facilitates the movement. And of course, shoes should be light enough and appropriate for the season.

You should avoid buying children's shoes with hard, rigid soles or open heels.

Of course, parents should not despair if the baby has a clubfoot. In the arsenal of modern orthopedists there are many effective methods of dealing with clubfoot. And, of course, any child needs maximum parental love and attention, so that in the event of the development of any pathology, in a timely manner, consult a doctor for advice, and if necessary, for treatment. What other conditions require immediate consultation with a doctor, read on

Read also: "A bear walks through the woods": causes, symptoms and treatment of clubfoot in children

  • Comments (1)

    07 мая 2019, 10:08

    Мы полагали, что наш ребенок либо будет вынужден прожить всю свою жизнь с деформированной стопой или должен пройти через большие страдания, пытаясь устранить эту проблему. Ортопедический аппарат превратил терапию и лечение приведенной стопы в простой и безболезненный процесс для всех нас, и за это мы вечно будем благодарны его создателям!

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