Как работает мозг человека: 5 мифов, которые опровергла наука

For a long time, the human brain was a mystery, a black box that kept secrets about our nature and capacities. But with the development of science and technology, neuroscientists are learning more and more about this organ. And sharing their discoveries with us, overturning the usual ideas about how the brain works. This knowledge helps not only in the treatment of certain diseases, it gives everyone the opportunity to "pump" and to develop the intellect, to maintain a clear mind until deep old age. But first you need to get rid of outdated myths from your head. And we will help with 

5 popular misconceptions about working of the brain

The work of the main organs and tissues has been studied quite well, but the  recently. Previously, technology only allowed us to guess how the brain of a living person works. The modern development of science makes it possible to study it thoroughly, simultaneously debunking facts that were previously considered irrefutable. Which? Read below.

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Myth 1: Right — creativity, left — logic

How many times have we heard that the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity, and the left — for logic and analytical type of thinking. In fact, to perform any action, "need" all parts of the brain. And if some areas of the brain are damaged, their function is taken over by another part, regardless of its location.

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Myth 2: Playing computer games makes you stupid

In fact, a computer game forces you to perform several actions at the same time, which develops the ability to work in a multitasking mode. On the basis of video games, rehabilitation measures are being developed for patients who have suffered an injury or brain disease. So, computer games certainly don lead to mental degradation, but still you need to know when to stop.

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Myth 3: Alcohol kills brain cells

Thanks to this myth, furious connoisseurs literally demonized alcohol, arguing that even a glass of beer "kills" brain cells forever. In fact, alcohol damages the dendrites — branches of neurons, with the help of which they transmit signals. Therefore, a drunk person is disoriented, speaks indistinctly and does not remember what is happening. But the dendrites have the ability to regenerate, so for the brain, drinking alcohol is not the same as death. Which, of course, does not justify drunkenness.

Myth 4: We don't use our brains fully

This is the most popular myth and many people still believe that only the brain of geniuses works at full capacity, and ordinary people use only 10% of its capabilities. In fact, there are no unused areas or departments with an indefinite purpose in the brain. All brain tissue is constantly involved in the work.

Myth 5: Athletes are stupid

We correctly edited the misconception popular among people that "jocks" and other athletes use their head to eat. In fact, active sports contribute to the formation of new capillaries in the brain, and this, in turn, improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to tissues. Therefore, athletes are not sillier than office sloths, but and may perform better on intelligence tests.

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Neuroscientists do more than debunk myths. Their works help in many ways to understand how the brain works and what affects its functions. And first of all, it is useful for those who don't want to put up with age-related changes and want to the last days to be in of sound mind and sober memory. It's real and scientists have told how to achieve it.

Read also: Interesting facts about the brain that will change your life

How does the human brain work and what it capabilities

All the actions that we perform, including thinking, are the result of the interaction of neurons in the brain. They transmit electrical impulses to each other, forming bonds. Learned to tie shoelaces — a connection has formed. Repeated it 100 times — the connection was strengthened, more neurons were used for it.

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The more and more diverse the connections, the more developed our brain. The number of neurons in its tissues is approximately 86 billion. This is enough to be able to learn anything by creating new neural networks until the end of life. By constantly performing the same actions, we strengthen existing connections, bringing the performance of actions to automatism. But new connections are not being formed, which means we are not evolving. And, yes, the myth of  10% of the used brain is associated with this phenomenon.

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In order to form new connections, you need to constantly learn something. You don't have to cram a textbook on quantum mechanics, learning how to brush your teeth with your left hand (if you're right-handed) can also create new neural connections. Any unusual action/knowledge/emotion — these are new connections and new work for the brain. In childhood and adolescence, we are open to information, because everything is interesting, and the brain is actively developing. In adulthood, many prefer the familiar to the new. And this is wrong.

Knowing how the brain works, you can "pump" at any age his. Strive for knowledge, master some skill (playing guitar, Morse code), learn a foreign language — and you will notice that it has become easier to remember information, less time is spent on making decisions. It's never too late to learn — now this folk wisdom has been scientifically proven.

Read also: Brain neuroplasticity: 5 ways to develop your intelligence

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