Bags under the eyes – a common reason that pushes people to plastic surgery. Of course, surgical removal of bags under the eyes is the last resort – when the main factor in their appearance is precisely aging, and traditional methods of preventing the appearance of the problem in question (fresh air, proper nutrition, limiting alcohol, smoking & hellip;) and getting rid of them (all kinds of masks, compresses, massages, cosmetic procedures) no longer provide any effect in due to the anatomical features of the structure of the face and their age-related changes.

What do you need to know about eye bag surgery and the effectiveness of available techniques for this aspect of facial rejuvenation?

The traditional view of getting rid of bags under the eyes with surgical methods

For many years, surgeons have resorted to resection of accumulations of fat in order to rid the patient of bags under the eyes. This approach is still widely used to eliminate the mentioned problem, however, for some patients, this surgical method of getting rid of this problem is far from the most effective. These cases require deepening into the anatomy of the aging midcheek (of which bags under the eyes are a part) and the elements necessary to achieve optimal rejuvenation of this area.

Bags under the eyes – causes and anatomical features

The main task: figure out how to remove bags under the eyes. The fulfillment of the task is impossible without the exact identification of the purpose of the correction of bags under the eyes. Outside – this phenomenon is unaesthetic, betraying the age of the patient, giving the person a tired look. The root causes of the age-related appearance of bags under the eyes are a complex of changes in the middle zone of the cheek, due to human aging.

Important to know: Looking deeper, patients complaining of bags under the eyes are demanding midcheek rejuvenation, which can restore the youthful appearance lost due to aging. Bags under the eyes – this is not the only aspect that accompanies the aging of the middle zone of the cheeks. Accordingly, it is necessary to correct all aspects of such aging in order to achieve the highest level of rejuvenation.

Anatomy of the middle zone of the cheek – important aspects for rejuvenation

To ensure optimal facial rejuvenation results, it is essential to understand the anatomy of the aging midcheek.


The above zone consists of several components. The bulge of orbital fat is the most visible manifestation of aging in this area of ​​the face. Equally important is the part of the cheek that is directly adjacent to the bags under the eyes. The soft tissues of this area of ​​the face sag with age, this phenomenon is especially pronounced on the inside of the middle zone of the cheek. All this should be taken into account in order to calculate how to remove bags under the eyes with surgery.

Another significant change is the displacement or resorption of the midface skeletal system. This contributes to the loss of soft tissue in the aging midcheek. The aging appearance of the midcheek is also enhanced by thinning skin and the formation of wrinkles.

The fullness of the middle part of the cheek – a visible sign of youth, which is very important to restore in the process of facial rejuvenation.

The ligaments of the midface are fibrous structures that serve to connect the layers of tissues together. The tear trough is a prime example of the manifestation of folds, the cause of which is the function of such ligaments. Therefore, in the rejuvenation of the midcheek, the release of these ligaments plays an important role, which helps to smooth out such furrows.

Therefore, when rejuvenating the middle cheek area, all of the above factors must be taken into account.

Rejuvenation of the middle part of the cheek will help to remove bags under the eyes

As described above, volume loss and tissue drooping – the main aspects to focus on in facial rejuvenation in order to remove bags under the eyes, namely:

1. You can remove bags under the eyes not by removing orbital fat, but by distributing it: moving from an area in which the presence of fat is undesirable to a part of the cheek with insufficient volume.
2. To solve the problem of sagging cheek tissues, a cheek lift is used, which aims to move the buccal mass to a position characteristic of a young look.
3. For patients with more severe volume loss or midcheek sagging, either synthetic fillers (such as hyaluronic acid), cheek augmentation with implants, or mini fat grafting can be used.

For the rejuvenation of patients with actual excess fat in the under-eye region, the fat resection technique remains an effective approach. However, for patients who show significant signs of aging, in order to obtain the desired result – a fresher and younger face – a deeper approach needs to be taken, including fat redistribution, midcheek lift and midcheek augmentation with fat grafting is by far the most successful technique available.

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