Как улучшить цвет лица: косметологические процедуры

Unhealthy skin color on the face appears as a result of the development of diseases, with improper nutrition, the presence of bad habits, with an unhealthy lifestyle, not the correct daily routine and lack of rest. Dull face – this is the prerogative of not only fading skin at a respectful age. Young people are also prone to this cosmetic problem.

A change in complexion usually indicates a – SOS, that the epidermis is not sufficiently hydrated and lacks nutrients for the normal functioning of cells, their regeneration. How to improve complexion with the latest technology in the field of cosmetology, read on estet-portal.com.

Characterization of lifeless skin color on the face

Woman's face – this is the main trump card of attractiveness and femininity and it is unacceptable if a healthy color is lost, the blush disappears and the skin becomes gray, dull and pale. First of all, a healthy appearance – it is a pink shade of the skin, dullness and elasticity of the forms, the presence of a slightly noticeable blush.

With the onset of age-related changes, the skin begins to lose color and elasticity, spider veins and age spots may appear. In addition, the acquisition of a dull skin tone is affected by emotional health, mental state, ecology, general health.

Dim skin has the following characteristics:

  • grey tint;
  • partial pallor;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • bumps;
  • rough surface;
  • pigmentation;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • spider veins;
  • flaking;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne.

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To mask such flaws, the following can be used: foundation, powder, blush, corrective agents. Only such methods do not get rid of problems that with each use of makeup products grow like a snowball and get worse.

The only way out of this impasse is a visit to a dermatologist. It is also necessary to undergo a medical examination of the thyroid gland, digestive organs, check the functioning of the kidneys and liver. To do this, it is worth doing an ultrasound to examine the abdominal organs, the thyroid gland, take a blood and urine test (general), and to & nbsp; also conduct a biochemical blood test. The results of the tests will determine the true causes of dullness and pallor, as well as suggest how to improve the complexion.

Causes of a dull and lifeless complexion

In rare cases, dull skin color appears on the face due to diseases or factors that do not depend on the person. Sometimes we ourselves do everything that contributes to an unhealthy appearance.

Main causes of an unhealthy dull complexion:

  • lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced diet and wrong daily routine (late bedtime and sleep before lunch);
  • bad habits;
  • stoop and lack of necessary movement;
  • passion for strict diets;
  • "stagnant" circulation;
  • lack of necessary nutrition of the epidermis.

How to improve complexion: care features

Increased care for your health and, in particular, your skin will help you achieve results – radiant and healthy complexion on the face. Among the general recommendations on how to improve the complexion, we can highlight:

  • Regular visits to a beautician
  • physical activity;
  • rest;
  • proper nutrition and more vitamins;
  • long walks in the fresh air.

In addition, reconsider your attitude to daily cosmetics and specialized procedures. Choose a cream and other skin care products according to age, skin type, day or night use. It is also worth considering the UV protection factor.


The skin needs to be cleansed, toned and moisturized or nourished daily. Deep cleaning is best done once a week at home and on the advice of a beautician (from once a week for dry skin and twice a week for oily skin) in a beauty salon.

To get rid of an unhealthy complexion (pale, gray, dull), use professional cosmetic procedures: chemical or ultrasonic peels, facial massage.

Read also: 4 peeling seasons for each skin age

In addition, ozone therapy is indicated to improve skin color. The procedure consists in saturating the cells of the skin with oxygen. plasmolifting can resume cell regeneration. biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

can saturate with nutrients and moisturize

Also, photorejuvenation and fractional photothermolysis.

procedures are considered effective for transforming skin color on the face.

An experienced cosmetologist can choose the necessary procedure to get rid of skin problems and restore her healthy appearance. When asked how to improve complexion, a cosmetologist will recommend those cosmetic procedures that will help in your particular case.

Article author: estet-portal.com

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