Surely everyone at least once in their life watched a picture when a person became ill on the street. What do people do in such cases? Social surveys and studies show that only a small part of people stop to help the victim. Most pass by, mistaking a person, for example, for a drunk. But imagine that one day it can become ill for you right in the middle of the street. Would you like to be in the place of the one you walk around and leave lying on the sidewalk? Unfortunately, most passers-by avoid such situations simply because they do not know how to behave if a person has fallen on the street.

Providing medical assistance if a person has fallen on the street

There can be a huge number of reasons why a person fell on the street. Often people pass out in public places, such as in transport or in lines at the store due to stuffiness. Sometimes the cause of loss of consciousness may be a more serious condition, such as pathology of the heart or blood vessels. Some percentage, of course, are people who are in a state of intoxication. But even in this case, a person needs help, which any passer-by is able to provide.

There are simple algorithms, following which you will not be at a loss in a difficult situation and will always be able to help someone who needs your help.

If a person fell on the street:

  • what to do first if a person falls on the street;
  • the victim's heart and lungs work – how to act;
  • basic rules for resuscitation.

What to do first if a person falls on the street

The first thing to do if a person falls on the street – is to assess his condition. Proceed as follows:

1. Ask someone nearby to call an ambulance.

2. Go up to the person and talk to him to understand & nbsp; whether he is conscious. Ask the person questions such as "What happened to you?" or "How do you feel?". If the person answers or tries to play – You will understand that he is conscious and does not require resuscitation.

3. If a person is silent – the next step is to evaluate his vital functions: breathing and heartbeat. It is necessary to evaluate the pulse not on the wrists, but on the large main vessels. If a person fell on the street – feel the pulse on his carotid arteries, which are located on the neck.


4. Breathing is assessed using the simple rule of "look, listen and feel." Tilt your head towards the victim's nose and mouth so that with your ear you can hear the sounds of inhaled and exhaled air and feel its flow on your skin, while with your eyes you can see how the person's chest rises and falls during breathing movements.


The victim's heart and lungs are working – how to act

Next, your tactics should depend on how the victim's heart and lungs work. If a person fell, but he was able to answer your questions, it means that his condition does not require the immediate start of resuscitation measures. In this case, you can undo the buttons on the casualty's clothing to provide adequate airflow, give them water, and help them sit up or raise themselves up if the person is attempting to do so. If the victim cannot move or be unconscious, but the work of the heart and lungs is preserved – do not try to lift it, this can only harm you. Only careful lifting of the lower limbs is allowed – this will provide blood flow to the victim's brain. Try gently wiping the person's face with water or bringing a cotton ball with ammonia to their nose, if you have it on hand. Further – wait for the ambulance to arrive.


Basic rules for resuscitation

The most difficult situation is when a person has fallen and you cannot feel his pulse and hear his breathing. In this case, it is urgent to start resuscitation measures:

  • Step A -  air (air). First of all, it is necessary to clear the respiratory tract of a person. To do this, you need a finger wrapped in a napkin to clean his mouth from vomit, foam, blood or any foreign bodies. Then tilt the head of the victim, bring the lower jaw forward and open his mouth wide.
  • Step B – breathing (breath). You can ask the people who accompanied the victim to perform artificial respiration, or you can do it yourself using a handkerchief or gauze. The nose of the victim must be closed, the lips should be pressed tightly against the open mouth of the patient and the air should be inhaled from your lungs into his mouth.
  • Step C - circulation. An indirect heart massage should be started as soon as you have detected a cardiac arrest. Your hands should be located on the border between the lower and middle thirds of the patient's sternum. It is necessary to carry out pressing in an amount of at least 100 per minute, while the sternum should move down by 4-5 cm – Only in this case, resuscitation can be effective. Carry out pressing not by the force of your hands, but on straight arms using the weight of your body – so it will be much easier for you. After every 30 compressions, 2 breaths must be taken, then compressions continue.

If a person fell on the street and is in a state of clinical death – it is you who can be the one who will save his life.

Remember these simple tips and always be ready to help someone who needs it.

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