In everyday life, there are many products that can prevent the development of many diseases. Including such a formidable one as cancer. Nutritionists advise not only to constantly invite them to your plate, but also to replace its contents with — the usual cue ball with salad on vegetables and beans. Olive oil (rapeseed) in combination with herbs and spices will not only be a good addition, but also a strong barrier to diseases.
Parsley as a medicine, and garlic as penicillin
Cruciferous vegetables. Cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese) is characterized by the presence of anti-cancer molecules (glucosinolate, sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinols (I3C). The last two contribute to the removal of certain carcinogens from the body. In addition, they block precancerous cells and prevent them from developing into malignant tumors.
Steam or sauté well with a little olive oil. Do not boil as this destroys the sulforaphane and I3C.
Vegetables and fruits rich in carotenes tend to have a beautiful color. Red, orange, yellow, green, they are not only pleasing to the eye, but also to the body, as they contain vitamin A and lycopenes, which can prevent the spread of cancer cells of various strains, including some aggressive ones, such as brain glioma.
You should look for them in pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes. And also — in persimmons and apricots. The beneficial substances included in them (lutein / carotenoid, lycopene, phytoene, canthaxanthin) strengthen the immune system and help resist cancer cells.
• For a better release of lycopenes, tomatoes need to be cooked, for example, to prepare a sauce from them. And the presence of such fatty components as olive oil helps to improve their absorption.
Onions and garlic. The antibacterial properties of garlic have been known since ancient times. However, it was most widely used for these purposes during the First World War. Dressing wounds with garlic helped prevent the spread of infections. Further studies have shown that the sulfuric substances of this plant significantly reduce the carcinogenicity of nitrosamines and N-nitrogen compounds.
They also have a detrimental effect on lung, prostate, colon, and leukemia cancer cells.
Cook well: chop onion or garlic and sauté in a little olive oil with pre-steamed vegetables.
• Garlic is best crushed rather than chopped. This contributes to the active release of molecules. They are better absorbed if dissolved in a small amount of oil.
Ginger root has long earned the reputation of an anti-inflammatory agent. However, few people know that as an antioxidant it is more effective than vitamin E. This helps it to fight some cancer agents. It also prevents the reduction of the formation of new vessels.
An infusion of ginger can help relieve the feeling of nausea that often occurs during chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
How to cook: saute grated ginger with vegetables in a little oil.
• Make an infusion: chop the ginger, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can drink both hot and cold.
Herbs and spices. It turns out that we use kitchen herbs (cumin, rosemary, basil, oregano, mint, etc.) not at all because we want to enrich dishes with a beautiful aroma, but also because we subconsciously understand: essential oils, which are so rich in herbs and spices, protect against many diseases. And not only from colds, as is commonly believed. They also hit cancer cells with all their might and, by blocking their enzymes, do not allow other tissues to be captured. Moreover, in terms of the strength of the impact, some of them, such as celery and parsley, are comparable to the mechanism of the drug Gleevec.
Why Asian women are less prone to breast cancer than European women
Soya. In the diet of Asian women, this product is listed from an early age. Scientists believe that this is why they are much less prone to breast cancer than Europeans.
And all because soy isoflavones by sex hormones (like estrogen and testosterone) block the stimulation of cancer cells.
How to use: Replace regular dairy products with tofu or tempeh for breakfast.
Tofu can be added to first courses instead of meat. This — good source of proteins.
Algae. In addition to soybeans, seaweed is also widely consumed in Asia. And not by accident. Many of them prevent the development of oncological diseases due to the fact that they contain molecules that slow down the growth of cancer cells. And fucoidan, which is the hallmark of edible algae such as kombu and wakame, stimulates immune cells, thereby blocking cancer cells.
How to use: Seaweed can be used in salads or first courses.
Shiitake mushrooms. Due to the antitumor effect, mushrooms of this group (maitake, enokitake, cremini, portobello, Parisian champignons, etc.) help to resist neoplasms, mostly of a benign nature. In Japan, these mushrooms are widely used during the course of chemotherapy, as they help to strengthen the immune system.
How to use: Can be added to vegetable soups and chicken broths, or baked with vegetables in the oven.
From the life of a sweet tooth: raspberries for breakfast, chocolate for dessert
Red fruits (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.) cause universal love for a reason. Calling with their color to linger near them, they thereby help to form a whole army against cancer cells in the body. And all thanks to ellagic acid and numerous polyphenols, which slow down antigenesis, removing carcinogens from the body.
How to use: for breakfast, in fruit salads or muesli.
Quick-frozen fruits do not lose their properties, and therefore they can be enjoyed even in winter.
Citrus fruits. Thanks to anti-inflammatory flavonoids, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits have a unique effect. By stimulating the liver, they thus contribute to the removal of carcinogens from the body.
How to use: Chopped zest can be sprinkled on fruit salads, breakfast cereals, and infused in teas and infusions.
Turmeric is world renowned for its strong anti-inflammatory effects. However, in addition to this, it does not allow the formation of new vessels and programs cancer cells to destroy.
How to use: mix ½ k. l. turmeric with 1 k. l. olive oil and a pinch of pepper. Drop the agave syrup. Add to soups, vegetables, salad dressings.
Dark chocolate. But only one that contains at least 70% cocoa. Only then can you count on a powerful team of antioxidants, proanthocyanides and polyphenols that limit the growth of cancer cells. Allowable 20 g is enough not to gain extra calories and at the same time to prevent the disease.
How to use: As a dessert, a few squares along with green tea.
• The combination of chocolate and milk has a detrimental effect on the molecules contained in cocoa.
Red wine: in small doses — medicine, in large — poison
Green tea. Doctors recommend drinking six cups of this drink daily as a preventive measure. It significantly inhibits the growth of vessels necessary for the development of tumors and metastases due to its rich content of polyphenols. Along the way, being a powerful antioxidant, it also "programs" cancer cells to death by apoptosis.
How to drink? Brew in the usual way and drink for an hour.
Pomegranate juice was praised by the healers of Persia for a reason. Not knowing about the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice, they successfully treated many diseases with it. Modern doctors say that it is pomegranate juice that helps to significantly reduce prostate cancer and advise men to include it in their diet.
How to drink? Drink a glass every morning during breakfast.
Red wine. The polyphenols found in grapes increase significantly during fermentation. And to the age-old question of which wine is preferable, white or red, scientists answer in favor of the latter, since polyphenols are found in grape seeds and skins. By protecting cells from aging, they also (resveratrol) slow down the development of cancer.
How to drink? No more than one glass a day. According to some studies, a large dose can lead to the development of cancer.
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