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Which organ is responsible for removing fat from the body?

Getting rid of excess body fat or removing fat from the body – that is what many people focus on when they want to cope with such a problem as being overweight. But which organ removes fat from the body? Perhaps it's leather? But no! Experts presented to the public the calculations related to the removal of fat from the body and told through which organ the largest amount of fat leaves the human body. Those who want to lose weight can draw the appropriate conclusions.

It used to be that extra pounds are converted into energy or heat. Now scientists have found out which organ is responsible for removing the main amount of fat from the body.

More than 80% of fat leaves the body during exhalation, thus the main organ through which people lose weight is the lungs. 

There is a type of fat in the human body called triglyceride, which is made up of three types of atoms – carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 

To remove unwanted fat, it is necessary to separate the atoms in the triglyceride molecule by oxidation. 

After following the path of each atom in the human body, a team of scientists from the University of South Wales (Australia) found that as a result of the oxidation of 10 kg of fat, 8.4 kg of this fat exits the body through the lungs in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). The remaining 1.6 kg is converted to water (H2O). 

Analysis showed that the inhaled oxygen required for such a metabolic process weighs approximately three times as much as the weight lost.  For complete oxidation of 10 kg of human fat, 29 kg of oxygen must be ingested, which leads to the formation of 28 kg of carbon dioxide and 11 kg of water.  Study authors Reuben Mirman and Andrew Brown said: "Such biochemical processes are not new, but for unknown reasons, no one had thought to make such calculations before." 

These results indicate that the lungs are the main organ for removing fat from the body. 

The study was published in the Christmas issue of the British Medical Journal.  

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  • Comments (3)

    18 июля 2015, 05:06

    :lol: "входнуть" почти 30 л кислорода это круто!

  • Comments (3)

    20 июля 2015, 09:07

    :lol: <br />По логике этой статьи бензин сжигается в выхлопной трубе.

  • Comments (3)

    21 июля 2015, 19:22

    И что эти данные означают?

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