Бруксизм у детей: почему ребенок скрипит зубами во сне и что с этим делать

Bruxism in children is often a concern for parents. It manifests itself in the form of gnashing, creaking and clicking of teeth at at night in children. This phenomenon is usually associated with worm infestation, but it is far from being the main cause of teeth grinding in children. There are other factors that parents should be aware of. At the same time, pediatricians are in a hurry to reassure parents, since in practice bruxism most often resolves on its own. However, in order for it not to have a negative effect on the health of the child, you need to know what causes this rattle and how to treat it.

The main causes that cause bruxism in children

According to statistics, gnashing of teeth occurs in every third or fifth child, boys are more prone to it than girls. Bruxism appears in children up to 8 years of age and does not require specific treatment. Pediatricians explain this by the fact that the night rattle — it is not a disease, it passes on its own as it grows up.

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But parents should pay attention to what causes gnashing of teeth in children. Sometimes a harmless symptom can hide a more serious problem. If they eliminate, then bruxism will stop tormenting the child.

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6 causes of bruxism in childhood

  1. The most common cause of bruxism — not worms at all, but stress, nervous irritability, emotional and physical fatigue. If a child has experienced a strong emotional shock, then his nervous system may fail. This is expressed in various symptoms, one of which is bruxism.

  2. Pay attention to the way the baby sleeps.Bad sleep, nightmares, and even snoring can cause the baby's jaws to clench uncontrollably.

  3. Changing teeth in preschoolers is often accompanied by discomfort. This slight pain can cause the teeth to rub against each other.

  4. Bruxism occurs

    when malocclusionin children.

  5. If a small child

    does not eat enough solid food (for example, during prolonged breastfeeding), then this will place an insufficient load on the jaw.

  6. Teeth grinding can also be

    with nasal congestion, otitis media, and  adenoids.

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These are the most common causes of teeth grinding in children. As for worms as the cause of bruxism, pediatricians do not confirm a direct connection between these phenomena. When infected with helminths, gnashing may not appear at all. It is aggravated in if the child has previously suffered from bruxism.

Most of the cases of nighttime teeth grinding will go away during the early school years without any medical treatment. This symptom is dangerous when it appears too often and damages children's teeth.

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When bruxism can be dangerous in children

  1. Teeth grinding lasts more than 15 seconds and recurs regularly. Typically, such attacks last within 10 seconds and recur several times during night.

  2. Normally, bruxism goes away by 7-8 years. If it continues to disturb the child, then it is better to contact doctors to find out the cause .

Consequences of bruxism in children

Prolonged and painful bruxism in children leads to unpleasant consequences that require treatment.

  1. Gum damage and loose teeth.

  2. Tooth enamel damage.

  3. Headaches and pains in jaws, neck, back due to severe muscle tension.

  4. Sleep disorders: children can sleep for a long time.

  5. After waking up, the child has a headache or pain in teeth.

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What should parents do if the child grinds his teeth in the  sleep

Doctors do not consider bruxism to be a dangerous symptom. You need to seek help in the event that prolonged grinding negatively affects the teeth or the child experiences constant nervous tension. In this case, it is worth visiting a dentist and a neurologist.

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Although there is no specific treatment, it is possible to alleviate the condition of a child who grinds his teeth.

Methods for treating bruxism in children

  • The dentist may prescribe a special mouthguard to protect your child's teeth from pressure and squeezing.

  • Wearing braces to correct an overbite.

  • Especial attention should be paid to oral hygiene and teeth brushing to prevent infections.

  • Facial gymnastics will help the child learn to relax the muscles of the face.

  • Appeal to psychologist and art therapist to eliminate the consequences of stress, emotional tension, hyperactivity.

  • You can independently teach your child relaxation techniques with the help of meditation, yoga and creative activities (finger painting, modeling clay, plasticine, playing with sand).

Read also: Peculiarities of treatment of milk teeth in children

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