To lower your cholesterol, you don't have to run to the gym and train until you drop. It is enough to do a little, but systematically. Scientists have proven that even half an hour of physical activity affects the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. At the same time, bad cholesterol decreases, but good cholesterol, on the contrary, rises.

In addition, systolic and diastolic blood pressure is normalized in people suffering from hypertension, the performance of the heart and lungs improves. The transport of oxygen to the tissues is increased. The exercises themselves are simple and do not take much time. And they will help more than any medicine. So - get on the exercises!

How to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol

The therapeutic effects of exercise cannot be assessed. They normalize the work of the heart, regulate the level of sugar and insulin, improve blood clotting. At the same time, well-being improves, because during exercise, the body produces hormones of happiness — endorphins.
Intensity. Exercise should be of medium intensity, and the heart rate should not exceed 100-130 beats per minute. It can be cycling, vigorous marching, running, swimming or dancing. Those who prefer to work out in groups can choose from the fitness club to suit their taste. 

  • It is important to introduce movements gradually. If the body is not accustomed to exercise, it is better to start with walks.
  • At first, it will be enough to do the exercises two or three times a week. And gradually move on to daily activities.

After three months of systematic exercise, the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) will increase by seven percent. And this means that the risk of developing atherosclerosis will significantly decrease.

In order to avoid further heart problems, you must adhere to the rule recommended by doctors: 3 x 30 x 130.

This means that you need to actively spend time at least three times a week, at least for 30 minutes. And so that the pulse corresponds to 130 beats per minute.
How to start? Start your cholesterol-lowering exercise program with 15 minutes a day. Do them five times a week, taking a break, for example, on Tuesday and Friday.

  • Gradually increase the time of the sessions so that after three months the set of exercises takes 50 minutes.

When to practice? You do not need to exercise at certain times of the day. Focus on food intake. Classes should be held 1 hour after a meal or 30 minutes before a meal.

  • Remember: to warm up the muscles, you need to perform each exercise 5-15 times.


Simple exercises to help lower your cholesterol

Hand exercises  

#1. Standing, roll your shoulders back and forth.

No. 2. Try to spread your arms as wide as possible, as if trying to wrap around large wheels.

Exercise for the neck

No. 1. Touch your chin to your chest, and then move your head as far back as possible. Then try to touch your head once to your left and once to your right hand.

№ 2. Rotate your head: once to the left, once — right.

Back exercises

#1. Bend over so that your hands touch the floor. 

#2. Get on your knees. Lean on your palms and make a "cat backbone". 

No. 3. "Candle". Lying, lift straightened legs together.

Thigh exercise

No. 1. Do  tilts to the sides.

#2. Sit on your heels. Move your buttocks from one heel to another.

Abs Exercise

#1. While sitting, do deep forward bends. Try to touch your forehead to straightened knees.

#2. Lie down. Raise your connected legs up and then slowly lower them.

Exercise for the legs.

№ 1. Standing, lift your straight leg forward: first — right, then — left. And vice versa. 

#2. Squat ten times.

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