Modern techniques and technologies used in aesthetic medicine increasingly require professionals of various specialties to create a perfect appearance. To date, "beauty therapy dentistry" – the most demanded request, which clearly shows that dentists should perform the lifting of the middle and lower third of the face together with cosmetologists.

One of the new directions in facial rejuvenation has become its lifting due to the correction of the bite and the shape of the teeth. So, before signing up for a facelift, show yourself to dentists: anti-age tricks – their new strong point and will tell you about all the subtleties.

"Open" teeth

"Smiling – is always showing your teeth a little", – argued the Polish writer, master of aphorisms Stanislav Jerzy Lenz. But over the years, what can be proudly shown becomes less and less, and if the interlocutor does not see your teeth, he gets the feeling that he is talking to an elderly person.

"With age, due to abrasion of teeth, the lower third of the face decreases – chin wrinkles appear, the corners of the mouth drop, and the face acquires an senile expression, – says Konstantin Ronkin, president of the Bston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry (here dentists work in conjunction with plastic surgeons sending patients to start correcting the bite or jaw position). – The incisal edge of the front upper teeth should be visible at least one millimeter. This can be achieved using the thinnest veneers – porcelain plates that are installed on the front of the teeth and require a minimum turning".

For the same reason, everyone who enlarges lips with fillers should make an appointment with the dentist. The larger the lips, the less visible teeth – experts explain. In this case, it is recommended to slightly lengthen and brighten the upper incisors, as in Brigitte Bardot, with a composite material matched to the color of the teeth.

There is also a way back. According to Dr. Ronkin, if the teeth are restored correctly, the lips become smoother and wider: "A competent beautician sees when the lip has "gone" due to tooth abrasion, and the first thing he sends the patient to the dentist."

Relieve muscle tone

The habit of "pushing" the lower jaw, which reduces the height of the bite, is formed in frequently ill children. When a person cannot fully breathe through his nose, he opens his mouth, which causes the muscles of the jaws to tighten. So over the years, the lower jaw "leaves" back, and the posture worsens. Consequence – the second chin and mournfully lowered corners of the lips.

Prolonged muscle spasm is also to blame for 60% of chronic headaches, dentists are convinced. It also leads to the fact that a person squints more and soon notices wrinkles around the eyes. If you return the jaw to its place, the pain will pass and the eyes will "open".

How to deal with increased muscle tone

Treatment should be started with a device for electrical nerve stimulation of muscles. Under the influence of a weak electrical impulse, the muscles relax – the neck assumes the correct position, and the lower jaw moves forward. After 3-4 such procedures, not only the expression of the face changes – posture changes. And migraines will no longer torment you. Then, as a rule, a transparent corrective mouthguard for the lower teeth or invisible braces is made to completely align the teeth. As a bonus, doctors mention the disappearance of the second chin, if, of course, it is due to orthopedic reasons, and not an increased love for fresh cakes.

"Puff" cheeks

The absence of lateral teeth or malocclusion may be to blame for the retraction of the cheeks and the appearance of jowls. In this case, cosmetologists can inject fillers indefinitely – nasolabial folds will not disappear. To relax the chewing muscles, injections of botulinum therapy – a little deeper than usual, and then a course of facial massage is connected.
The next program number – build-up of worn teeth and selection of a cap for the lower jaw. At the very end – whitening. Taken together, these manipulations will lead to such a result that when buying champagne, they will ask you for a passport at the checkout!

Keep Natural

When planning an overbite, aesthetic dentists do the same thing plastic surgeons do before a facelift: they ask for youthful photographs. Only preferably those where you smile at all thirty-two. This is a guarantee that the new teeth will "sit down" like native ones. By the way, the famous "American smile" is already included in the category of "consumer goods". New teeth don't have to make you look like toothpaste commercial actors. A haute couture smile is "cut" according to individual patterns and looks natural.

"With proper whitening, the teeth at the base will look a little yellower, – notes Konstantin Ronkin. – shell, looks like a set of false teeth, and they order it for restoration. I dissuade you as best I can!

Show character

Men's teeth usually have a well-defined shape – closer to the square, female – softer, rounded shape. Therefore, if you are impatient to "show your teeth", having entered a new position, and give yourself a serious look, the restorer will do it in a jiffy, or rather – in a couple of hours. The trick with the shape of the teeth will work just as well as a man's jacket with extended shoulders. By the way, teeth can also be capricious, strict and sexy: trusting red lipstick alone – last century.

What else can dentists offer today to make their patients look younger, read on Follow our updates!

Based on TATLER

Performing any cosmetic procedures or manipulations of the facial area inevitably requires knowledge of the anatomy and topography of the formations of this zone from the specialist. There are several important aspects that the doctor needs to evaluate before starting work:

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