Кифоз: особенности и лечение заболевания

Kyphosis – a dangerous disease that progresses rapidly without proper treatment. The result of this is a whole range of consequences: problems with vision and hearing, dizziness, fainting, paralysis or numbness of the limbs. Breathing problems can also be observed, because the incorrect position of the spine directly affects the functioning of internal organs. If you suspect that you have kyphosis, treatment should begin immediately, and not delay it for "later". Therefore, consult a doctor for a diagnosis.

Editorial estet-portal.com in this article will talk about how treatment of kyphosis is carried out. xxxx>

    Kyphosis: how is the correct diagnosis done
  • Kyphosis: different treatments for the disease
  • Kyphosis: is it possible
  • prevention of curvature of the spine Kyphosis: how is the correct diagnosis done


it is important to recognize it in time, make a correct diagnosis, so as not to delay treatment. Of course, the main symptom is the deformity of the spine, in which the upper part of the body unnaturally moves forward, a “hump” appears on the back.

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In addition, the disease manifests itself in the following way:

• back pain and fatigue;
• stiffness of movements;

• constant feeling of discomfort in the back;

• numbness of limbs;

• vision problems, frequent headaches.

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about the brace To make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will refer you to an MRI or CT scan. You will also need an x-ray. All this will help determine how much the spine is curved and what related problems have appeared

because of this.

Kyphosis: different methods of treatment disease 


treatment of kyphosis

an integrated approach is important, which includes physiotherapy exercises, medicines, wearing a corset. And only in the most severe cases, surgery is required.

The conservative treatment of kyphosis has two goals – save a person from pain, as well as correct the curvature of the spine. Pain is relieved with paracetamol-based drugs. For particularly severe pain, stronger active substances are also used. If kyphosis is one of the signs of osteoporosis, drugs are prescribed for this disease – they strengthen bone mass. It also shows the intake of vitamin supplements, in particular – calcium.

The second element of treatment is special physical education. You can do it only after the pain has gone. Exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, maintain the flexibility of the spine. My default imageThe obligatory element is the wearing of a corset. It helps to stop the further progression of the disease, correct the existing curvature.

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Lordosis and kyphosis: what you need to know about

enemies of posture In advanced cases of the disease, conservative methods of treatment are powerless. In this case, there is a clamping of the spinal cord or roots, which can be stopped only by
surgical intervention.
Kyphosis: is it possible to prevent curvature of the spine 

It is better to prevent a disease than to cure it – however, not everyone knows how to prevent the appearance of kyphosis. There is nothing complicated about this, because the key to a healthy back – it is a healthy lifestyle, occupational health and sports.


First of all, you need to pay attention to how you sit or stand. The back of the head should form one axis with the back – that is, to be on the same level. Shoulders should be straight – no stoop and no attempts to stoop. For sleep, it is better to choose a bed and mattress that will form a solid surface. The pillow should not be high, its task is – support the head, rather than raising it at an angle above the surface of the bed. The perfect choice – orthopedic mattress and pillow.

Another condition for a healthy spine – sports. If you have a sedentary or sedentary job, try to move more in your free time, go to the gym or dance. By the way, in the latter case, you will not only learn how to move beautifully, but also acquire the correct posture.

Strengthen the muscular corset of the back. For this, classes in the gym are suitable. A special complex for the back will be developed by any trainer – and make sure you do the exercises correctly. My default image
Another useful sport for strengthening back muscles is swimming. And if in the summer you can do it on any safe reservoir, then in the cold season, sign up for the pool. Training should be systematic in order for you to see real results.

curvature of the spine
is insidious because it approaches imperceptibly. And just as imperceptibly, it harms all systems of the human body. At the slightest curvature, suspicion of scoliosis or
kyphosis, treatment should be started immediately, especially since it is a whole system, which includes lifestyle changes. Remember that the advanced stages greatly impair the quality of life, and at the initial stages this disease can be cured.Read also:
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