Everyone who has dealt with babies sooner or later faces the problem of colic in a child. This phenomenon is observed in a large number of infants. Parents always experience this problem very violently, as it is accompanied by crying and strong anxiety of the baby. And this is not uncommon in a perfectly healthy child. Therefore, do not rush to panic, but let's look at the possible causes of this process. The main thing is to know that this is temporary, you just need to know how to provide the necessary assistance to the baby.

Causes of colic in a baby

Basically, this problem is noted in the first six months of a child's life. Most often, the manifestation of colic begins at the age of 3-4 months, and makes itself felt in the evening and at night. The baby begins to get very worried, cry, kick his legs. What are the causes of colic:

  • If the baby suckles at the breast, the reason may be that the baby is not latch on the nipple properly. Then, together with milk, it captures air, which, when pressed on the intestines, causes colic. If the baby – artificial, the bottle nipple may not be the right shape for it, causing the same effect.
  • Incorrect formula preparation or sucking too fast can also cause colic in a baby;
  • Perhaps, after feeding, the baby was not allowed to burp and the excess air did not come out, but already got into the baby's intestines;
  • Sometimes, if the baby lies on the back all the time, this can also cause colic. When we change the position of the child, intestinal motility improves, replacing him with the necessary physical activity;
  • One of the reasons may be the constant crying of the child. When the baby cries, he also manages to swallow air, which leads to such consequences;
  • Don't overfeed your baby. If the food does not have time to be digested, then the process of fermentation in the intestines begins, which leads to the release of excess gases;
  • If the baby is breastfeeding, the mother's milk may contain substances that can cause bloating and fermentation in the intestines. Therefore, it is necessary to review the diet of a nursing mother during breastfeeding. Cabbage, beans and other foods can cause bloating;
  • Newborn babies have an "immature structure"; some organs, including the intestines, therefore, do not fully cope with the digestion of food. Remaining in the intestines, undigested food "roams" and causes excessive gas formation.


At first, the manifestation of colic is not frequent, but then their frequency may increase, and they appear every day.

How to distinguish symptoms of colic from other diseases

To figure out that it is the colic in the stomach that bothers the child, follow how he behaves:

  • The baby starts crying almost "by the clock": 20-30 minutes after feeding;
  • He blushes, twists or draws his legs to his stomach;
  • Crying suddenly stops after about 3-4 hours;
  • Belly bloating occurs;
  • Relief comes after passing gas or after the child has pooped.

However, don't make a diagnosis yourself, if the symptoms recur, it is better to visit a pediatrician so as not to miss any other unpleasant diseases.

How to relieve the pain of colic in a child

Methods of alleviating such a problem are mainly aimed at one goal – passage of gases from the intestines of the child.

What can be done to make life easier for the baby? Try:

  • Give your baby a tummy massage. Gently, without pressing with the palm of your hand, massage the abdominal area in a strictly clockwise direction;
  • Be sure to change the position of the child. Since he still cannot roll over and stand up by himself, take him in your arms more often;
  • Consult if breastfeeding is carried out correctly and in what position the baby is best to do it;
  • If your baby is being bottle fed, change the nipple to a better one;
  • You can serve dill water infusion or fennel tea, they have a carminative effect;
  • And finally, you can use the gas outlet tube. However, with its help, gases can only be removed from the rectum, and it does not affect what is left in the small and large intestines.

And most importantly, do not self-medicate. This is very dangerous for the health of the baby. All manipulations can be carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician.

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