Какие вещества входят в состав солнцезащитного крема?

Certain sunscreens available on the market contain antioxidant ingredients, ostensibly to increase photoprotective efficacy. How justified is this? What needs to be done to improve the photoprotection of the skin provided by sunscreen?

The evidence for this improvement comes from a live study showing that vitamin C and E combined with ferulic acid increase photoprotection. What should be the composition of sunscreen?

Research on the efficacy of sunscreen formulations

In a new comparative open-label clinical study in humans, it was demonstrated that 1 – The 3 antioxidants found in FDA-approved sunscreens do not provide any additional photoprotection boost beyond the protection provided by the sunscreen ingredients themselves. Read more on estet-portal.com on how to use sunscreens to achieve high efficiency. The same study also found that the 7-ingredient Anti-Inflammatory Blend did indeed significantly increase photoprotection compared to sunscreen alone.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that a sunscreen formulation with a range of anti-inflammatory, and not just a few antioxidant components, provides enhanced photoprotection provided by a sunscreen.

This result is to be expected, since antioxidants only affect two of the seven inflammatory pathways. It is worth noting that all antioxidants have at least a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, however, not all anti-inflammatory drugs work through an antioxidant effect. For example, aspirin, naprosin and ibuprofen do not have antioxidant effects, although they are strong anti-inflammatory drugs.

Effectiveness of sunscreen ingredients

Optimizing the effectiveness of sunscreen formulations can be a problem if inappropriate amounts of product are used. The SPF value correlates exponentially with the application thickness. Previous methods for testing SPF and UVA radiation have included examining the thickness of the applied sunscreen layer.

However, experience has shown that many people apply only 20-40% of the recommended dose or thickness of sunscreen product. Under such conditions, the solar protection factor is only 45.


To maximize photoprotection, the following principles should be followed:

  • apply a significant amount of sunscreen product in two applications (30 minutes apart);
  • The cream should be applied to cool, dry skin that will be exposed to the environment;
  • Second application of sunscreen must be done more than 30 minutes prior to exposure to sun, heat and moisture.


Basic requirements for the composition of sunscreens

To prevent skin cancer, UV protection products must contain the following ingredients in sunscreen:

  • ingredients that optimize the structure and function of the permeability barrier of the stratum corneum;
  • anti-inflammatory ingredients;
  • The required doses of photoprotective ingredients for optimal bonding to the stratum corneum and granulosa by applying a sufficiently thick layer.

Anti-inflammatory ingredients in sunscreens are also expected to maximize therapy and prevent exacerbation of 12 skin diseases and other skin problems. As advances in medicine and science advance, prevention and treatment strategies for disease, including skin cancer, need to be adapted to maximize the quality of life for patients.

Вы используете крем с SPF каждый день?

Article author: estet-portal.com

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