Красивая грудь после родов? Это совершенно возможно!

Every girl dreams of a beautiful, elastic breast that will delight & nbsp; the woman herself and attract the admiring glances of men. But even the owners of the most luxurious busts are faced with the fact that after childbirth, the breasts change not for the better  side, and it is far from always possible for a woman to return  to her original shape on her own. Why are these changes happening? How can you get your breasts back to their original state? What do plastic surgeons offer women?

To these questions Estet-portal. com replied to Evgeny Georgiyevich Donets, plastic surgeon of the first category of the clinic Medical Club, Full member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ISAPS and the All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, having extensive experience in breast reconstruction after childbirth and lactation.

No necklace in the world can be compared with the beauty of a female bust!  A beautiful and toned breast is a source of pride and seduction for any of its owners.

But, unfortunately, sometimes you have to part with the beauty of the breast, and the main reason for this is childbirth and feeding, after which the shape and size of the breast can change dramatically.

Recovering lost forms is not always possible on your own. This often requires plastic surgery (mammoplasty). 

Eugene, tell us what happens to a woman's breasts during pregnancy? 

Changes in the state of the breast appear from the first days of pregnancy. Reason –  change in the hormonal background of a woman. It is this hormonal surge and, of course, weight gain by the expectant mother that lead to an increase in the volume of the mammary gland, which in turn leads to ptosis of the gland and, accordingly, stretching of the skin.


And after the birth of a child, during lactation?

Due to the influx of milk, the breast continues to increase significantly in volume, especially in the first months of feeding. Therefore, stretch marks can form on the skin that does not keep up with such rapid breast growth. At this stage, it is imperative to use adequate breast support, namely the right underwear.

And how does the breast behave after the lactation period ends?

When the lactation period ends, only the skin can return to a relatively prenatal state. However, no matter what a girl does during or after lactation, irreversible processes occur with the mammary gland - the so-called post-lactation subinvolution of the mammary glands, in which their volume is lost up to 20-30%.  

All changes in the breast are individual, as well as the timing in which they occur. But we can firmly say that approximately 3-4 months after the end of lactation, the reverse restructuring of the body begins, including hormonal. On average, after 6 months, it ends, and the doctor can see the full picture, assess the condition of the breast and choose the best method for its restoration and correction.

How and on the basis of what do you make a decision about surgical correction, about its method?

The desire of a woman is paramount for a plastic surgeon. If the volume suits her,  you can get by  breast lift, which can be performed by several methods or their combinations. If  the patient wants to increase her breasts by several  sizes with minimal  ptosis (omission), then an implant is installed that fills the sagging tissues, and mastopexy may no longer be needed.

I am very pleased that now women are increasingly taking care of their appearance, including breasts, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, so we are much less likely than before to perform mastopexy, since breast ptosis is not observed . And that's great, because when  the installation of implants without the use of a lift, the patient receives the most beautiful and attractive breasts with a minimum amount of scars, albeit highly cosmetic.


What to do with  scars and is it possible to do without them?

There are a lot of very dubious methods for breast enlargement: these are  non-surgical methods, and supercreams, and injection methods  etc. But as a doctor, I believe that breast augmentation is safe only with good quality, shell implants. It follows from this that no matter how much love we treat our patients, if an implant is to be placed, then adequate access is required for this, and therefore – there will be a scar. But I note that  in 99.9% of cases, this is a highly cosmetic scar that is masked by its own  submammary  crease.

Do women in your practice often combine breast surgery with other reconstructive surgeries?

Simultaneous surgeries are often performed in our clinic, because it is possible to solve several problems of the patient in one anesthesia. Therefore, all patients undergo a thorough preoperative examination. This is not only an ultrasound of the mammary glands, but also an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and anterior abdominal wall, which can reveal diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, umbilical hernia at an early stage.

Also, a consultation with a gynecologist allows you to identify and shed light on the issues of intimate plastic surgery, which quite often arise in women after physiological delivery. Quite often, a combination of breast plastic surgery and mini-abdominoplasty is performed – correction of cicatricial deformity of the anterior abdominal wall after caesarean section.

Tell me, what should a woman who is unhappy with the postpartum condition of her breasts do? Where to start, what to pay attention to first of all? 

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the breast from the very first days of pregnancy, when the hormonal background changes and the whole body begins to rebuild. How and what to do – It's no secret to anyone, women are taught this at special courses, there is a lot of literature, manuals, articles on the Internet on this topic… All these recommendations – contrast shower, professional skin care creams, supporting underwear – in the complex, of course,  works. 

If changes cannot be avoided, correction can be carried out at least 3-4 months after the woman finishes breastfeeding. A further decision on the methods and methods of breast plastic surgery to return it to its previous forms is already taken by the surgeon. Naturally, it is accepted on the basis of how the patient imagines her new breast.  The first step in this direction will be a consultation, which we will conduct for you free of charge and after which you will have information on all possible options for correcting your breasts.

Today, thanks to the achievements of plastic surgery, if not everything, then a lot can be done, so you should not despair, and the stage of bearing and giving birth to a child should be perceived as one of the happiest and most positive stages in the life of every woman.



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