Кровеносные сосуды под копирку: биопринтер в деле

Modern technologies make a rapid breakthrough – and now the next breakthrough was the news about the achievements of scientists from the Brigham Hospital. They managed to use a bioprinter to print blood vessels.

In addition, they also managed to create other tubular structures that are close to natural and have a urogenital character.

What does this achievement give each of us? After all, it is still hard to imagine not only printing, but also the cultivation of new organs!

For many of us this seems like a fantasy, but it already exists. And estet-portal.com will talk about what has actually become a reality, what successes scientists have achieved and how exactly the invention will benefit each of us!

1. The bioprinter created blood vessels: how did it happen

2. What does this technology give us in practice? Bioprinter created blood vessels: how did it happen

The vessels

of a living organism are difficult to artificially create, because they consist of several types of cells. However, with the help of a printer,

cellular technologies, and a biotransformation method, scientists have achieved an accurate imitation of tubular structures. This became possible thanks to the use of the so-called bio-ink, consisting of cells of the human body and a special innovative hydrogel. The latter was needed so that the cells could multiply in a natural way. The printer itself was set up for three-layer printing. Result – a structure was obtained, which in its properties, thickness and dimensions

fully corresponded to the structure of the vessels themselves.

At the moment, a group of scientists continues their experiments. They want to further improve the material and optimize its parameters.

The goal is to create such a structure that could work stably and for a long time, ensuring the vital activity of the organism.

However, it has already been experimentally proven that artificial blood vessels are capable of carrying liquids and substances useful for the body. And it looks like a miracle - another

medical discovery important for mankind! Using cells from the human body and a special hydrogel, scientists were able to recreate the three-layer structure of blood vessels.

The resulting material has proven

its performance in practice, but still needs to be improved.

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What does this technology give us in practice?

Most of us have a natural question: what exactly will this technique give to each specific person?

Will such tubular structures work in the same way as normal organs? And what are the advantages of technology in general?

And there are several obvious advantages at once:


No need to wait for an organ from a donor for transplantation

– a bioprinter will literally print the desired component, rather than waiting for several years. In addition, the technology will reduce the cost of the transplant itself. 2.

The problem of tissue rejection will be solved

– a transplant forces a person to take special drugs that suppress the body's immune forces. So that the tissues do not reject foreign cells, the printing will be done using the cells of a specific patient – as a result, you will receive a new "native" organ. 3.

The ability to create organs

that are better than "natural" ones in terms of their characteristics. 4.

Effective treatment of many diseases

that used to simply become chronic. Thus, the blood vessels created by the bioprinter will help replace old components with new ones – and get rid of thrombosis and atherosclerosis. As you can see, a whole range of health problems can be solved with the help of bioprinting technology. Humanity will be able to increase the duration of its life, because worn-out organs will be replaced with new ones. And they will function without failures and age-related problems.

A bioprinter can print not only blood vessels, but also other organs of the human body. This will help solve the problem of wear and tear of body structures, radically get rid of diseases that cannot be completely cured now.


– unique invention of scientists! Behind this technology – the future of humanity, in which chronic diseases can be overcome, prolong youth and maintain health for as long as possible. You don't have to wait years for a transplant and then take immune-suppressing drugs for the rest of your life. A new organ will be created from your own cells – and it will certainly successfully take root in the body.

All this will help to significantly reduce mortality from vascular diseases, which inevitably overtake almost all people over the age of 40.

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