Лазерная коагуляция – спасительное решение для зрения

You can live in peace, not experience discomfort in the eye area, see perfectly. You do not use glasses, lenses, but at the appointment with the ophthalmologist you will find out that the retina of your eye is thinned and, most likely, will break in the near future. To diagnose the disease, the doctor needs to look into the eye through the pupil; special drops are used to dilate it. If gaps are found, treatment is carried out – laser coagulation of the retina. The procedure takes 10 minutes and does not violate the integrity of the eye, its essence – fixation of the retina to the choroid. Such treatment for many patients is the only viable solution to avoid detachment leading to vision loss.

estet-portal.com will tell about the causes of retinal disorders,

  • Laser coagulation of the retina – indications and contraindications for the procedure
  • How does the laser photocoagulation procedure work
  • What threatens to refuse of the procedure
Laser coagulation of the retina – indications and contraindications for the procedure

Problems in the visual part cause complaints of low vision, unpleasant symptoms of clouding, flashes in the eyes, distortion of the object. The peripheral area of ​​the retina is inaccessible during examination, therefore, the degenerative processes developing on it – invisible threat. For diagnosis, ophthalmologists use pupil dilation methods.

Indications for treatment with laser surgery are: retinal breaks and detachment;

• malnutrition of the central part of the retina – macular degeneration;• damage to the retina by mechanical means; My default image
• congenital lesion of the inner part of the retina;
• diabetic violation of the integrity of the retina;
• inflammation in the vascular system, hemorrhages are possible; obstruction of the central ophthalmic vein.

Complications of laser coagulation of the retina xxxx>

Laser photocoagulation
is not indicated for all patients with retinal disorders. Contraindications for treatment are complex retinal detachment, hemorrhages in the eye. It resolves after a while, then the patient is allowed to the procedure. Clouding of the lens due to cataracts, disturbances in photosensitive cells – reason

to cancel the operation.
disturbances in photosensitive cells – reason

to cancel the operation.
disturbances in photosensitive cells – reason

to cancel the operation. How does the laser coagulation procedure work

Treatment with laser surgery does not require hospitalization. The patient is given special anesthetic drops. A three-mirror Goldman lens is installed on the sore eye – to focus the laser beam to any place in the fundus. Radiation is supplied from the slit lamp, the surgeon directs the beam, focusing it to the right place.

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The advantage of the operation is the high temperature of the laser beam, which allows the tissue to coagulate and the procedure is performed without blood loss. The laser connects the choroid to the retina, creating adhesions that do not flake off. Painful sensations during the operation are not manifested, the patient is in a sitting position during the intervention. The main rule – perseverance in one place, without movement.

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My default imageStrong adhesions form after two weeks. All this time shakes, strong vibrations, alcohol, smoking are contraindicated. It is recommended to sleep in a position where the head is above the level of the legs. It is forbidden to lift weights, to engage in heavy work. Restriction of TV viewing, gadget use and


What threatens to refuse the procedure
If the disorder is found late and not properly treated, retinal detachment often occurs. This complication leads over time to complete blindness of the eye. Due to the high degree of detachment, it is not always possible to install the retina in its proper place, as a result, visual acuity decreases. Or it doesn't come back at all.
If you are offered an examination with pupil dilation – do not refuse, retinal pathologies are always detected by chance. The earlier the procedure is carried out, the more effective the result. Patients with retinal disorders are examined 2-3 times a year. The appearance in the eyes of midges, flashes, lightning – indicates a retinal tear.

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And a few more words about indications and contraindications.

Laser photocoagulation
of the retina can be safely performed up to 36 weeks of gestation. If the treatment is carried out later, then the adhesions do not have time to form. Prevention of the disease is indicated for people with myopia, after a difficult birth, with diabetes, hypertension, and impaired peripheral circulation.

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