Польза для мозга, вред для сердца – механизм действия кофе на организм

Some people think that coffee is good for the heart and prevents the development of a heart attack, others – that coffee can provoke the formation of tumors and increases the risk of myocardial infarction. Over the past decades, scientists have been studying the true mechanism of action of coffee. To date, there are new views on this issue.

Most people drink about half a liter of coffee daily – this is approximately 162 liters per year per person. Coffee – it is a drink that is much more popular than beer, and in some countries – even mineral water. Americans and Brazilians drink coffee most of all, although the inhabitants of these countries did not always speak positively about this drink.

Mechanism of coffee impact on the human body

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee invigorates our body.

The human body has receptors for caffeine called adenosine receptors.
They are found throughout the body, and their main function is the inhibition of all processes. The mechanism of action of coffee is based on the blocking of these receptors. On the part of the cardiovascular system, coffee blocks the adenosine receptors that are in the vessels, as a result of which they narrow, blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens, and thus the person becomes more alert. Once in the brain, caffeine activates many of its areas, which is manifested by an increase in attention, mood, and increased mobility. This is why consuming large amounts of caffeine can cause hand tremors.

How coffee affects the body:

  • increases attention and reaction speed;
  • suppresses relaxation processes;
  • increases blood pressure, increases blood flow to the muscles;
  • improves mood;
  • has a general tonic effect.


The most common myths about the effect of coffee on the human body

There are a lot of rumors, myths and opinions about coffee. Read about the main ones below.

  1. Coffee hurts heart

This is one of the common myths about this drink, but many studies show the opposite results. Scientists from the University of Utrecht have found that daily consumption of 2-4 cups of coffee reduces the risk of developing a heart attack by 20%. In addition, researchers from South Korea have proven that drinking coffee has a prophylactic effect on the wall of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

  1. Coffee prevents the development of diabetes

People who consume 1–2 cups of coffee daily have a 25% reduced risk of developing diabetes. This fact was proved by scientists from the Institute of Nutrition in Germany. 

  1. Coffee promotes impotence

If this were true, it is unlikely that coffee would take the first place among the most popular drinks.
Brazilian scientists, after conducting research, were able to calm the majority of coffee lovers. It turned out that the "coffee drunkards" sperm motility is much higher than those who do not drink coffee.

  1. Coffee contributes to the development of diseases of the nervous system

There is an opinion that caffeine contributes to the development of diseases of the nervous system, and also plays a role in the fact that a person becomes indecisive. In 2011, there were studies that actually showed a link between caffeine and indecision. A year later, this fact was refuted by conducting experiments on mice. Studies have shown that long-term caffeine consumption reduces the likelihood of depression.

    Pregnant women
  1. are not allowed to drink coffee
  2. There are a lot of opinions about drinking coffee during pregnancy, which contradict each other. Several studies prove that caffeine abuse during pregnancy can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.
People react to coffee differently. The use of large doses of caffeine against a background of stress can lead to hallucinations, and sometimes even to the manifestation of symptoms of schizophrenia. However, it is still considered safe to drink up to 3 cups of coffee throughout the day, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

"Daily coffee consumption has a beneficial preventive and tonic effect on the body"

Who should pay attention to the mechanism of action of coffee

People with high blood pressure should be careful with caffeine intake and always consult their doctor. One of the mechanisms of action of coffee is the stimulation of the central nervous system, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Anyone who still has high blood pressure and consumes coffee in large quantities should not abruptly give up this drink, as this can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If you have stomach problems, you should drink espresso from quality coffees. This is because such varieties are fried for a longer time and contain less acids and tannins. Therefore, it is this coffee that will be less harmful to the stomach than regular filtered coffee.

For the most part, coffee is considered a healthy drink, proven by many international studies, and it is not in vain that it is the most popular drink in the world. But still, it is worth consuming coffee in reasonable quantities and not forgetting about its quality.

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