Мифы и факты об использовании косметических средств

We are often asked questions about how to use various cosmetic products correctly, whether there may be side effects that various publications so often write about and others talk about. With that in mind, this week we decided to confirm the facts and dispel the myths about beauty products.

Fact: Gloss makes lips dry and chapped

Often, girls and women who constantly use lip gloss, note such phenomena as dry lips and the appearance of cracks on them. This myth is due to the fact that the longer they use this remedy, the more often they have to apply it.

But before jumping into lip balms and lip balms, it's worth realizing that while some ingredients such as camphor, menthol, and alcohol in glosses can cause irritation and dryness, most of these complaints come from the fact that women get used to the "glossy" feel on their lips and start overdoing it with glosses. 

The lips do not contain sebaceous glands, so they are more prone to drying out. Therefore, it is very important to study the composition of the gloss before using it, get the advice of a specialist or a seller. 

  • Many also do not notice the habit of licking their lips. Remember that such a seemingly harmless habit can also harm your beauty, as saliva is often an irritant to the lips.

Myth: If you use one shampoo all the time, your hair gets used to it and their condition worsens

There is no scientific reason to change your shampoo if the one you have been using for a long time gives you results you are happy with. No matter how much you use it, the effect will always be the same, the hair will not start to grow fat or fall out over time. 

  • Problems can only arise in the case of health problems that affect the condition of the hair. In this case, you need to seek help from a trichologist.

Fact We are not susceptible to the scent of our own perfumes

Daily use of some perfumes leads to the fact that their owners become not receptive to their aroma, they get the impression that the smell has weathered, therefore they start using them much more often than necessary, exposing others to real torment. 

  • Even if you can't smell your own fragrance, applying perfume only to your wrists, elbows and collarbones will be enough to make you radiate and others appreciate its greatness.

Myth Curling your lashes with mascara can break them

The best friend of a modern girl - mascara - appeared in ancient Egypt. Through the evolution of this product, many different types of mascara have been created: lengthening, false lash effect, curling...

When it comes to curling, there is a common misconception that it can damage your lashes and make them brittle. However, this is not possible due to the high-tech flexible polymers of the brush, as well as thanks to the nourishing oils and waxes that are part of modern mascara. 

  • If you are still afraid to curl your eyelashes yourself, it is better to contact a professional who will explain and show you how to do it correctly.

Myth You should start using anti-aging creams after 30 years

Our skin can be compared to fingerprints: its features are individual for all people. Therefore, some people begin to notice the appearance of the first wrinkles already in their 20s, while others are happy to maintain a youthful appearance even in their 30s.

Scientists attribute such phenomena to a genetic predisposition or the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, but the main culprit is the Sun - about 80% of skin aging cases are associated with exposure to UV rays. 

However, there are no restrictions regarding the use of anti-wrinkle cream from a certain age. This is something to think about when you start noticing any signs of skin aging. But even then, for the exact selection of this cosmetic product, you will need a consultation with a dermatologist (to determine your skin type), and, if possible, a nutritionist (to change your lifestyle and improve skin condition).

  • It is worth remembering that the use of sunscreen will help you delay the appearance of the first wrinkles!

Controversial fact Chocolate can cause acne

Although many studies have not found a direct link between eating large amounts of chocolate and acne. Dr. Sam Vanting (Sam Bunting) in his article stated: "We believe that rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels can affect the function of the sebaceous glands in the body, and as a result, acne can flare up in a person." Sounds convincing!

  • It makes sense to reduce all sources of refined sugar in the diet (eg chocolate and energy drinks). It is best to stick to foods that contain a low carbohydrate index and break them down more slowly, thus avoiding sudden fluctuations in blood sugar. 

Myth If you pull out a gray hair, 7 new hairs will appear in its place

It is physically impossible to increase the number of hair follicles on the head, at least through hair pulling (otherwise such a method would have long been used as a treatment for alopecia). This myth most likely appeared due to the fact that it seems that a lot of new hair grows in place of the pulled out hair, but this is only a visual illusion, since in fact a nearby follicle, from which a gray hair is already growing, simply takes its place.  

  • Instead of pulling out gray hairs, try to cover up this imperfection by coloring your hair.

Fact Steam cleans pores

Our pores have special functions, but many people think they just open and close in mysterious ways, constantly fearing they will get bigger. So let's get the details straight: pores don't have any muscles or ligaments, no amount of steam or cold water will make them open and close. The steam just helps them cleanse themselves of impurities from the inside. But there is good news too!

  • Modern skin research proves that there are special techniques and substances that serve to reduce pores or slow down the process of their increase.

The Myth Shaving makes hair grow faster and stiffer

Razors really have such a bad reputation, but, as it turned out, it is completely unreasonable: shaving does not affect hair growth and thickness in any way. That tingling sensation of hairs that you experience a few days after shaving is due to the fact that its denser part grows in place of the shaved hair. This is because the razor shaves the hair diagonally, making it appear rougher.

  • To avoid these unpleasant sensations, consider waxing and laser hair removal, then you can keep the feeling of smoothness and tenderness of the skin much longer!

Myth Anti-aging creams do not smooth out wrinkles

If you still cynically believe that anti-aging creams don't work, you are not alone: ​​according to the latest study, more than 70% of women do not believe in anti-wrinkle creams. But this only applies to the so-called cold creams and moisturizing bases that our grandmothers applied to the face in a thick layer.

But progress does not stand still, and after a few decades the holy fountain of youth and beauty is within our reach. The key to this phenomenon was the ingredients that are part of the modern anti-aging cream. They are basic (standard) and additional (active). The active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin and act on the dermis. 

  • Remember that the choice of cream must be approached seriously! It is best to consult with a dermatologist, who will select the product, taking into account the individual needs of your skin.  

Myth Clear skin = glossy skin

This beauty myth probably dates back to when cigarettes were considered good for health. If your face squeaks like an apple peel and feels tight and waxy, you are probably using the wrong cleanser for your skin type.

  • The new Jimmy Choo shoes should look glossy and your skin should have a natural glow and radiance!

Dirty lies If you don't wash your hair for a long time, it will become cleaner over time

"Complete nonsense!" says trichologist Philip Kingsley. "You need to wash your hair regularly (daily or once every few days depending on your hair type), after which you must apply a conditioner. If you do not wash your hair three or four days, there is a feeling of oiliness and peeling, not to mention the unaesthetic and repulsive appearance of such a "hairstyle"!"

  • Clean scalp and hair will make them healthier, help to avoid such phenomena as dandruff, brittleness and hair loss. 

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