Милиумы под глазами: почему возникают и как от них избавиться

Clogged pores, or milia on the face – a problem that is familiar to many. Such imperfections look unaesthetic, and it is almost impossible to hide them. In most cases, whiteheads appear during puberty in adolescents, but older people also suffer from the appearance of such imperfections that arise due to excessive stress on the pancreas, violations of the gallbladder and liver.

Milia can appear both individually and in the form of clusters of white dots anywhere in the body. Sometimes they disappear spontaneously, but there are also cases when they have to be removed mechanically. This is done by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The procedure is quite simple and almost painless: a needle is inserted into the center of the point and the accumulated secret is removed.

The editors of estet-portal will talk about

what are milia under the eyes, why they appear and about methods of removal.

  • Millia under the eyes – aesthetic problem
  • Who is more likely to get milia on the face
  • Millia under the eyes: causes of occurrence
  • What is the difference between primary milia and secondary milia
  • Millia removal under the eyes by a dermatologist
miliums under the eyes – aesthetic problem

Milia under the eyes do not cause pain, but stand out noticeably on the surface of the skin with a white color. It will not be possible to fix this problem through the use of cosmetics.

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To get rid of milia, you should consult a dermatologist or a good cosmetologist. The skin around the eyes is very thin, and with age it becomes even thinner, so the removal of milia under the eyes – the procedure is extremely delicate.


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Prevention of the appearance of milia can be carried out even at home, without visiting a beauty salon or a second visit to a beautician. You can use facial scrubs and masks and special skin care
around the eyes.

Who is more likely to develop milia on the face

Whiteheads often appear in adolescents, but are also common in older adults. Girls and women are more prone to rashes. There are several reasons for milia on the face. Often these are improper skin care, the use of inappropriate comedogenic cosmetics, overdrying of the skin by various means and procedures, and a violation of the regulation of natural fat secretion. Important factors that provoke the appearance of milia are diseases or problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Excessive load on the pancreas, disruption of the liver and gallbladder, which may be associated with fatty foods and the consumption of spicy foods, smoked, canned, sweet foods, loved by many cola in large quantities, can provoke the appearance of milia on skin.

This diet increases cholesterol levels, which is a problem of fat metabolism in the body, and in general, people who do not adhere to a healthy diet are more likely to develop milia

on the face.

Milia under the eyes: causes of the appearance 

Despite the development of modern medicine, the causes of milia are not known. They are probably caused by an imbalance in the hormonal system, since milia are extremely rare in absolutely healthy people.

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Among the causes of milia under the eyes and in other areas of the face and body, the following are distinguished:

    Imbalance of hormones (sex) in the body. Milia often appear in teenagers, pregnant women, infants, and women (with the onset of menopause).

  1. Problems of the digestive system, endocrine disorders (thyroid and pancreas).

  2. Increased oily skin or improperly selected cosmetics (allergies to foundation creams can cause milia under the eyes. In this case, milia do not require other treatment than stopping contact with the allergen. Changing cosmetics often solves the problem without medical intervention).

  3. Incorrect nutrition.

  4. Excessive tanning.

There are two types of milia:

Primary – arise due to a certain factor or their combinations.

Secondaries – appear in the area of ​​damage to the skin, for example, & nbsp; such milia can be caused by inflammation. Another name for secondary milia – Pseudomylia Balser.

What is the difference between primary and secondary milia

Primary milia – homogeneous elastic subdermal formations of white or yellowish hue, the size of which is 1 & ndash; 3 mm. As a rule, milia of this type are localized in the area around the eyes and are not accompanied by itching or any other unpleasant sensations. >

My default imageThe appearance of secondary milia most likely caused by a skin injury, or rather, damage to the pilosebaceous complex as a result of, for example: burns, epidermosis bullosa, tattoos, etc. 

To prevent relapses after therapy secondary milia, it is important to identify and eliminate the root cause of the inflammatory processes that triggered their appearance.

In order to prevent relapses after treatment of secondary milia, it is important to identify and eliminate the root cause of the inflammatory processes that triggered their appearance.

The elimination of milia naturally can be accelerated by a healthy lifestyle.

This requires the following:

rational diet;

  • skin hygiene;

  • monitoring one's health;

  • treatment of emerging diseases.

  • Remember that your skin needs gentle care and vitamins.
  • Millia removal under the eyes by a dermatologist

To remove milia under the eyes, a dermatologist or cosmetologist will offer several procedures of your choice:

Needle removal (mechanical) is performed with a needle pre-treated with an antiseptic, piercing the millet and extracting the dense white substance of which it consists. On large miliums, an incision is sometimes made - a cross before removing the core of the seal. After the procedure, the intervention site must be treated with antiseptics for several days so as not to cause inflammation.

Curettage – removal of the contents of the white eel with a special tool – curette (a spoon the size of a pea of ​​black pepper, with a hole in the center). Modern doctors have abandoned this method due to the frequent appearance of scars after the curettage procedure.
Laser removal – the most difficult method of removing milia under the eyes, but it is completely painless and reduces the likelihood of reappearance of milia.

  1. Hardware method – electrocoagulation – removing the problem of milia with high frequency alternating current. After the procedure, a crust forms, which disappears after 1-2 days.

Since the manifestation is often multiple, milia can occur on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks, lips, eyes, in the nasolabial triangle, less often – in the groin or on the skin of the genitals.

My default imageDuring the treatment period, you should follow a normal diet: do not abuse sweet, sour, salty foods, reduce the consumption of fried and fatty foods, do not take alcohol. 

In any case, if you are concerned about milia,

estet-portal recommends contacting a specialist
who can, firstly, confirm that the formations on your skin – it's really milia, and secondly, to recommend you a suitable way to remove milia and prevent their further occurrence.

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