The first matchmaker in the CIS, Roza Syabitova, competently declares: a family can be figuratively compared with a ship, and married life with a journey on it, where the husband — captain, wife — pilot, children — yoongi. And he tells you how to learn to hold the helm in your hands and stand on your feet during a sea storm.

Roza Syabitova, owner of dating agencies: 

"In the marriage market, bargaining is appropriate"

"You must get married by calculation"

— Roza Raifovna, how appropriate is bargaining when it comes to love?

— Very appropriate. In Rus', marriage was preceded by a matchmaking ceremony, during which the parents of the bride and groom conducted a kind of bargaining. And the Charter of the Domostroy of Vasily Kessariysky, with its 20th order, completely determined how to raise daughters and marry them off with a dowry. And it is right!
I have not met a single couple who would be happy only with love. Moreover, I’m sure: you need to get married according to… calculation based on love. What I did at the age of 21, when I got married for the first time. And I can say with confidence: in marriage it is better to be loved than to love.

— Many people believe that "life is just beginning at 40"…

— At 40, it is necessary to sum up the results, and not start life from scratch. And in order to marry well at this age, one attractive appearance is not enough. A man is always drawn to a young body, which a mature woman can hardly boast of. So for those who want to start life from scratch at 40, I can say: if you want to attract a man, — turn on your brains.

"A wife must serve her husband"

— Communicating with potential suitors on a daily basis, can you tell what kind of woman they want to see next to them?

— The one who is ready to become the guardian of the hearth. Only a woman can not only create, but also save a family. But it is precisely the inability to follow the path of forgiveness that destroys it. It seems to us that it is easy, but in fact, oh, how difficult. Are you ready to forgive a man for cheating, a small salary, an unfinished career, etc.?

I believe that all mental constructions are not constructive. I — selfish and learned this from men. They won't let anyone into their soul if they don't want to. Another thing is that a woman with her sensuality can sweep away all the boundaries they set. But at the same time, she must always remember: a man should always be in charge, and a woman should serve and serve him.

— Do you have your own formula for a successful marriage?

— The secret of any success lies in the habit of overcoming difficulties and achieving goals. Do you know what every married woman thinks about all the time? About divorce. And only a sense of responsibility stops her, without which no family can exist for a long time.

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