The posture of a person can tell a lot about his character, it also indicates the coherence of the muscles. Violations of posture can negatively affect not only the appearance, but also be the cause of poor health. Posture problems are accompanied by fatigue, general weakness & nbsp; and headaches, chronic pain in the back, neck, etc. In the article we will talk about how to independently detect a violation of posture and what exercises will help get rid of them.

Violations of posture: what are the dangers and how to fix them

The appearance of a person, as well as his well-being, are directly related to posture. At the same time, despite the importance of correct posture, many people take absolutely no measures in order to improve it. & nbsp; In fact, ignoring bad posture is quite dangerous, because posture violations can provoke such problems:

  • muscle weakness and atrophy;
  • fatigue;
  • headaches;
  • chronic pain in the neck, back and shoulder girdle;
  • disturbances of the digestive process;
  • sciatic nerve syndrome;
  • breathing disorders;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • pinching and compression of nerves.

In order to solve this problem, you need to find its true cause. Often, posture disorders are the result of an imbalance in the muscles surrounding a particular joint. For example, in people with rounded shoulders, the tension is distributed to the pectoral muscles, which pull the shoulders forward and rotate them towards the midline of the body. Due to this imbalance, hyperactive muscles compensate for the weakness of the antagonists, and this is the cause of fatigue, discomfort and tension.

The most effective and easiest way to eliminate the skew is recognized as stretching tense muscles and strengthening weakened ones.

How can I identify posture problems myself?

If you have never given much importance to your posture before, you can hardly imagine how many distortions your body can have. To confirm your guesses about posture problems or, conversely, to make sure that your back is perfectly straight, conduct a self-diagnosis.

We recommend wearing tight clothing – so you can clearly see the location of all parts of the body. Stand barefoot on the floor, straighten your back, but do not try to get into the correct, but not natural position for yourself. To get a reliable result, take a few steps in place, while closing your eyes. After stop,  stand up straight and ask the person next to you to take a picture of you from three angles – front, back and side.

Correct posture should look like this:


Notice how the different parts of the body and joints are positioned: the ears are in front of the shoulders, the hip joints are in front of the heels, and the ribs – in front of the pelvis. The position of the pelvis and spine remains neutral. If your body looks the same – we can congratulate you, because you have no postural disorders.

If your body is stretched into a string, there is one or even several postural disorders. Next, we will look at all existing violations and tell you how to diagnose them and what exercises / stretches will help to neutralize them.

Types of postural disorders: shoulders, back, pelvis and head

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitViolation #1. Stooped back

The pelvis is extended forward and in front of the hips.

Stretches: seated glute stretch, runner stretch, prone crossover, dorsum thigh stretch and myofascial relaxation using a Pilates roll.

Exercises: scissors, hanging leg raise, fitball twist.

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitViolation #2. Lower cross syndrome

Lower arch too strong, pelvis tilted forward.

Stretches: pulling the knees to the chest, stretching the quadriceps and their myofascial relaxation, stretching the hip flexors, stretching the “pyramid” on fitball.

Exercises: “frog”, bridge, bridge using a gymnastic ball, twisting with legs raised.

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitViolation #3. Rounded shoulders

The shoulders are in front of the ears.

Stretches: chest stretch with fitball, seated torso stretch, front delt stretch, elbows back stretch

Exercises: rear delt rows, seated cable rows, resistance band flies, shoulder external rotation.

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitViolation #4. Head in front of shoulders

Stretches: turn palms up and reach back with hands as far as possible, turning head and looking to one side. Myofascial relaxation of the chin, neck and chest.

Exercises: isometric exercises for the anterior neck muscles.

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitViolation #5. Upper cross syndrome

The shoulders are rounded, there is an excessive arch in the upper back, the head is pushed forward.

Stretches: Elbow Back Stretch, Chest Stretch with Gym Ball, Sitting Chair Trunk Stretch, Neck, Chest, and Chin Myofascial Relaxation.

Exercises: isometric anterior neck exercises, band abductions, seated cable rows, rear delt rows, shoulder external rotation.

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitViolation #6. Head tilted to one side

Stretches: myofascial relaxation, lateral neck stretch, sternocleidomastoid stretch.

Exercise: Daily activities (talking on the phone, carrying weights, lifting objects, chewing) should be done evenly on both sides, doing isometric exercises for the weakened half of the neck.

Violation #7. Uneven shoulders

Stretches: myofascial relaxation and lateral neck stretch.

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitExercise: Daily activity should be performed evenly on both areas, and high pulls should also be performed with one arm.

Violation #8. Pelvic tilt

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitOne of the hip joints is higher than the other, this leads to the fact that the illusion of different leg lengths is created.

Stretches: seated glute stretch, dancer stretch, runner stretch, lying crossover, piriformis myofascial stretch.

Exercise: Try to avoid high-impact and repetitive exercises until the pelvis is fully aligned.

Violation #9. Feet facing in

narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravit Stretch marks: myofascial relaxation of the ilio-tibial tract, stretching of the ilio-tibial tract.

Exercise: squat with resistance band around hips, walking sideways, again with resistance band, bridge with resistance.

 Violation #10. One or both feet pointing out
narusheniya-osanki-i-uprazhneniya-kotorye-pomogut-ikh-ispravitStretches: lying crossover, seated gluteal stretch, iliotibial tract stretch, piriformis myofascial release, dancer stretch.

Exercises: hanging leg raises, fitball crunches, cocoon.

Now you know what stretches and exercises will help correct postural problems. At the end of the workout, it is recommended to perform static stretches, while each of the stretches should be held for 15-30 seconds, the number of sets – 3-5. If you adhere to such a training regimen, over time, your well-being and appearance will improve significantly.

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