Lark People – very active. They enjoy breakfast, run in the morning and burn fat. They also have an early and light supper, and with the onset of twilight, they are already going to rest, and healthy sleep – the key to a good figure.
Do you still not believe that losing weight in a dream is real? In the material you will learn how lack of sleep affects excess weight, and how much sleep you need to lose weight. Our harmony, smartness, beauty, good mood, depends not only on nutrition, training, but also on quality sleep.
How lack of sleep affects the body
Many studies show that our weight is affected not only by the amount of food eaten, the level of physical activity, but also by the duration of sleep.
Scientists have already proven that short naps result in:
• To increase the level of ghrelin, and this contributes to the appearance of hunger;
• To reduce leptin levels. It is a hormone that promotes a feeling of fullness during meals. It increases the rate of metabolic processes and the formation of heat, and also inhibits the formation of glucose in the liver.
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When leptin levels decrease, the feeling of satiety during meals is inhibited. As a result, we eat more than we really wanted.
Good sleep and fitness – concepts are inseparable
Lack of sleep also leads to tiredness during the day and inactivity. It is also worth remembering such an important hormone as melatonin. In order for it to be produced normally, it is necessary to sleep in complete darkness.
The level of melatonin in the human body decreases when you work at night, have a brightly lit bedroom, or use your computer monitor or TV while you sleep.
Under such conditions, melatonin is produced more slowly, and sleep becomes less quality.
How much sleep do you need to not get better
Studies conducted by American scientists have shown that those who sleep less than normal get better. And this is even if he eats the same thing as someone who sleeps enough time.
With a lack of sleep, the natural rhythm of the release of important hormones, food intake and metabolic processes is disrupted. As a result, the sugar content in the blood is unstable, because of which a person becomes prone to bouts of acute hunger. And the content of the stress hormone is increased, which leads to weight gain.
In the body from 23:00 to 01:00 in the state of sleep, the synthesis of the somatotropin hormone occurs. In adults, this hormone regulates the metabolism of fats, helps to burn their excess, and helps athletes build muscle mass. Therefore, it is very beneficial for health to fall asleep before 23 pm. Many doctors advise about eight hours of sleep.
Scientists have also concluded that lack of sleep causes overeating the next day. Because of this, we eat 385 extra kilocalories, which is equal to one serving of french fries.
500 grams of fat equals approximately 3,500 kilocalories. They can be gained from just nine days of sleep deprivation.
When we sleep, growth hormone begins to actively burn the fats accumulated during the day, ensuring the work of our entire body (internal organs, respiration, etc.). If, however, no fat has accumulated during the day, but energy is taken from fat deposits. We always weigh a little less in the morning.
Therefore, in order to part with excess weight, a person simply needs to sleep well. Otherwise, even the most rigid diets will not bring results.
Read also: 7 important factors for good sleep
How to sleep to lose weight
Rule #1. Go to bed at approximately the same time, no later than 11:00 pm;
Rule #2. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Rule #3. Don't drink alcohol four hours before bed and don't smoke two hours before;
Rule #4. Never eat heavy meals for dinner. Dinner should be light (scrambled eggs with vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir), eat solid food for dinner. Last meal no later than three hours before bedtime.
Rule #5. The bedroom should be well ventilated and darkened.
There are many reasons why we don't get enough sleep, and sometimes it's hard to control. But if you have the opportunity to get enough sleep, why not give it a try? It's better than being on a diet.
So go to bed on time to make the most of your day and keep you feeling good throughout the day.
How not to gain weight by quitting smoking
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