Many people cannot imagine the beginning of the day without a cup of invigorating coffee. The taste and aroma of this drink in the morning seem to pour new strength and energy into us. We drink coffee under other circumstances: in the office, cafes, meetings with business partners. Today it is perhaps the most common drink on Earth. And if you are also addicted to coffee, it will not be superfluous to learn more about it. You will be surprised how many unexpected facts about coffee exist. They will make the taste of every cup of drink you drink even better and brighter.

Coffee Surprise Facts: Drink Lovers Will Appreciate

Today, there are a considerable number of varieties and methods for preparing this drink.

First of all, it is worth noting that coffee is actually – this is a berry, although everyone is accustomed to referring it to legumes, apparently, as is the case with cocoa beans. After all, we traditionally call coffee fruits beans, but it’s still correct to pronounce – "coffee berries".

  • According to recent studies, coffee still does not dehydrate the body. But this is the case if the aromatic drink is not drunk in solid quantities, namely: more than 2 cups daily. Up to this limit, no diuretic effect is observed.
  • On the other hand, scientists have concluded that drinking 4 or more cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis. The share of such a probability is very solid – 80%.
  • Coffee is saturated with vitamins and nutrients. So, a cup with a drink contains almost 1% of the daily norm of vitamin B2, 3% each of potassium, manganese, vitamin PP, magnesium and 6% of vitamin B5.
  • Coffee helps prolong life because it contains a large amount of antioxidants. They actively fight free radicals responsible for the development of diseases such as diabetes, ischemia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  • It is better not to drink coffee immediately upon waking up, because at this very time the body begins to produce cortisol. And this hormone, as you know, energizes us and "tunes" concentration. It turns out that if your morning immediately begins with coffee, this prevents the body from independent activity in terms of generating cortisol. Therefore, coffee should not be drunk after waking up, but at least after some time has passed, for example, upon arrival at work. In this case, the drink is very useful in further providing a charge of vivacity.


  • Coffee helps you lose weight, so if you – on a diet, in this case the drink will be a great helper: according to scientists, it speeds up metabolism by as much as 11%.
  • Caffeine works almost instantly: You can feel its effect after 10 minutes. after you take your first sip of the wonderful drink.
  • The drink has been found to increase the efficiency of training, so before visiting the fitness club it is good to have a small cup of coffee. This increases the level of adrenaline, and in the meantime, harmful fatty acids are released from adipose tissue.
  • The caffeine molecule looks quite impressive. It is a magnificent crystal that you want to admire endlessly. 
  • Today, the most expensive coffee in the world is considered to be a drink called "Black Ivory". To taste a cup of such a drink, you have to fork out for 50 dollars. It is made from grains that pass through the elephant's digestive tract. More specifically, the grains in the semi-digested stage are extracted from the feces of an elephant, washed, then – processed further. You should not deny this version of the drink, because experts say that its taste is great. This variety has already eclipsed the cost of coffee (Luwak), which is produced thanks to musangs. Coffee berries are fed to these animals, after which their excrement is used in the production of coffee. For 0.5 kg of such coffee, lovers of "zest" pay $160.

Amazing facts about coffee are proof that the drink is both tasty and healthy. However, everything needs a measure, and if, on the one hand, coffee itself (without adding cream, sugar) – absolutely non-caloric, then, for example, such a fact – a dose of 100 cups a day is fatal for a person – makes me think. And although few people are capable of this – nevertheless. 

It is wonderful that today no one forbids drinking coffee, as it happened in other times, when, for example, priests were categorically opposed to drinking coffee. They claimed that people were becoming addicted to coffee. Maybe this is so, but everyone is free to make their own choice.

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