Beautiful, professional manicure — one of the signs of a well-groomed, and most importantly, successful woman. Now, in order to perform all the necessary manipulations, it is not at all necessary to visit a salon; numerous islands of manicure in shopping centers or novice manicure masters working at home offer their services. But where is the guarantee that the manicure tools have been disinfected, and the master is highly qualified? Where is it safer to do a manicure: in a salon or with a master working at home? How to avoid infection with dangerous infections and not become a victim of an inept worker? We offer to look into this issue together with
Visual assessment: no slovenliness
The first thing you should definitely pay attention to — cleanliness in the salon where you are going to do a manicure or pedicure. There should be a place for outerwear in the room. Of course, you can't see every corner, but if you see unwashed dust or a dubious-looking towel, you should not endanger your health. The room must be absolutely clean. Not only the floor, but also the walls should have a coating that is easy to clean.
And of course, pay attention to the appearance of the wizard and the state of the desktop, tools for manicure and equipment. Any signs of slovenliness in this case are completely unacceptable, the workplace of even a novice manicurist should be in perfect order.
Requirements for the processing of manicure instruments
The cutting surfaces of manicure tools, if they have not been specially treated, can become a source of dangerous diseases. Increasingly, we hear about egregious cases of infection of clients with a fungus, staphylococcus aureus or various viral infections (hepatitis B, herpes, HIV).
In order for manicure instruments to be absolutely safe, they must be processed, in accordance with established rules, using approved antiseptic solutions and sterilized using special equipment.
Such processing shall consist of:
· mechanical tool cleaning;
· soaking in an antiseptic solution for 40 minutes;
· rinsing under running water.
Manicure instruments treated in this way, must be placed in disposable kraft paper bags. Then kept in a sterilizer at a temperature of at least 180°C. A package equipped with a special marker that changes color when heated must be opened in the presence of the client — this is the main indicator of instrument safety.
Metal manicure instruments should be subjected to such treatment. But the wooden sticks that are used for European (unedged) manicure should be disposable.
Don't forget about clean hands an experienced or novice manicurist, which he must not only wash, but also treat with an antiseptic preparation. In case of injuries (cuts, scratches), the master must use disposable gloves.
Salon or home stylist
The wide availability of various devices for performing the procedure, as well as special equipment for nail extension, has made this service industry a fairly profitable business, because the prices for such procedures are quite high. It is easy to imagine how difficult it is to control compliance with all hygiene requirements for a master offering his services at home.
Even if the cost will tempt you with availability, it is worth considering the likelihood of full disinfection and sterilization of instruments by such a master. Unlike salons, which can be checked by SES at any time, a homeworker, especially a novice manicurist, works without any control.
No less dangerous are the "manicure islands" located in the halls of large shopping centers. The safest way to help you put your hands in order is only in a salon that values \u200b\u200bits reputation.
How to make sure you're in front of a professional
The qualifications and experience of the master you are going to entrust the beauty of your hands to is also very important. A huge number of beginners who have completed, at best, short courses and do not have the necessary experience and knowledge, are now actively offering their services. By what signs can you determine that you are being served by a not very experienced and skillful master?
Most likely, you will be able to understand this almost from the first minutes, since beginners often have some difficulty trimming the cuticle and do it either too deeply or not accurately enough.
Another sign of the lack of competence of the master — improper filing and polishing of nails. For example, inexperienced, novice manicurists often saw off wet nails or make gross mistakes when choosing a tool for polishing.
One of the indirect indicators can be considered the time required for all manipulations. Usually it is about an hour, even if you are not a fan of intricate nail art, which includes applying complex patterns or sticking sequins and rhinestones.
As a rule, the diploma of a specialist is located on the wall and is visible to a potential client. If this is not the case, ask the master to present documents confirming that he has the necessary skills, as well as permission from the SES.
Skeptics argue that even when visiting a large salon, no one is immune from the use of dubious tools, materials or inexperience of the staff. However, this probability is significantly lower than when performing a manicure (pedicure) by an unknown master.
So, if you are going to get a manicure, but are not too sure about the reputation of the salon or the qualifications of the master, you need to pay attention:
· for the cleanliness of the workplace and the premises itself;
· presence of sterile instruments that will be removed from craft bags in your presence;
· cleanliness of nail files and other tools;
· availability of professional varnishes;
· correct performance of all manipulations and your comfort during the procedure.
As a rule, an experienced master can easily keep up a conversation with a client, help him relax, create not only physical, but also psychological comfort. Do not be shy, you can refuse the services of the salon if you do not feel trust in the staff: this is exactly the case when it makes sense to play it safe and find another master.
For more interesting information about the various salon treatments, visit
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