Hormonal surges are the cause of various disorders during PMS, headache – one of them. As a result, a woman's psycho-emotional state is disturbed, fatigue and irritability increase.

Why does my head hurt during menstruation?

The main cause of pain is an increased concentration of sex hormones in the blood: progesterone acts, from which hormonal fluctuations occur. Not everyone experiences these fluctuations. In more sensitive women, hormonal changes affect their well-being and cause headaches during menstruation. In addition, such a factor as a violation of the water-salt balance (fluid retention) during PMS also contributes to the appearance of a headache. From this, edema appears, which causes swelling of the brain tissue (hence the pressing and aching pain).

How does a headache during menstruation manifest itself? Main symptoms

A few days before menstruation and during the entire menstrual period, more than 50% of women experience the following symptoms:

  • throbbing character of pain;
  • pain in the eye area;
  • nauseous feeling;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • change of mood;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depression;
  • increased fatigue;
  • aches in the back and lower back;
  • painful sensation in the mammary glands;
  • bloating;
  • edema.

These symptoms need to be eliminated and get rid of the neuropsychic tension.

First aid for headache before or during menstruation

During PMS or menstruation, migraines deserve special attention. It is characterized by severe throbbing pain, which is localized in the temporo-fronto-ocular region and is accompanied by neurological symptoms, a slight increase in pressure. To help relieve migraine headaches, doctors recommend:

  • refrain from salty and fatty foods;
  • take a contrast shower or hot bath;
  • create a calm environment (turn off the lights, close the curtains, remove all extraneous sounds);
  • grind with menthol pencil or whiskey balm;
  • tightly bandage the head;
  • sip soothing tea and relax;
  • give foot massage;
  • take a walk in the fresh air.


The best thing that a woman can help herself during this period is the observance of the regime of work, rest and nutrition. Namely: reduce physical activity and sleep normally; relaxation (yoga classes will benefit); proper nutrition (do not abuse smoked and marinade, sweet and flour products); give up alcohol, cigarettes, strong coffee.

6 effective ways to help relieve fatigue

It is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. This also applies to headaches during PMS. For the prevention of this disease, nothing complicated is required: observe the daily routine, as far as possible, avoid stressful situations, try not to overwork. It is also very important to maintain a normal weight. As you can see, there is nothing problematic in our recommendations. But, it is they who correspond to a correct and healthy lifestyle and help you get rid of not only headaches, but also stay healthy, beautiful and active for many years. 

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