Первые признаки сахарного диабета: когда стоит пойти к врачу

Diabetes — insidious disease. Its manifestations are so imperceptible that often the symptoms are attributed to age-related changes, and the visit doctor comes when serious problems begin. The first signs of diabetes do not seem to be a cause for alarm, because thirst can be explained by a host of other reasons, and changes in weight can be the result of an improper diet. Although nothing hurts with diabetes, it is dangerous and can cause coma. It’s worth figuring out what to pay special attention to in order to go to the doctor on time, without waiting for serious problems.

    The First Signs of Diabetes Mellitus: 7 Worrying Symptoms
  • Symptom # 0: Earliest Changes in Type 2 Diabetes
  • The main thing about the first signs of diabetes
  • The first signs of diabetes: 7 disturbing symptoms

Diabetes — This is a disease in which the function of insulin production by the pancreas is inhibited. This hormone is important for metabolic processes in the body. If it is not enough, it threatens with atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, blindness, damage to the vessels of the legs and even amputation.

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Instagram In recent decades, the disease has been irresistibly "younger", so the first signs of diabetes mellitus may appear both in mature people and in children and adolescents. It's always worth being on the lookout. Visit a doctor if you find yourself or someone close to you with disturbing symptoms.

My default imageBell # 1. Polyuria — too frequent urination

In diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood increases. The body tries to remove the excess, so the person has a strong thirst. He drinks a lot and constantly runs around for small needs. Most often, the urge to urinate occurs at night, which causes a lot of inconvenience.

Bell # 2. Unquenchable thirst & dry mouth

If you're constantly thirsty and your condition doesn't change no matter how much you drink fluids, it's time to see a doctor. Due to dehydration in diabetes, the body requires a lot of water. There is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, mucous membranes may dry out.

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Signs of diabetes in children: how to recognize the disease and what to do Bell # 3. Increased appetite and desire to constantly chew something

The body cannot properly use the available insulin, so the pancreas has to produce more and more of it. This requires all new portions of food. A classic sign of diabetes: the food has not yet been digested, the stomach is full, but already very hungry again.

My default imageBell # 4. Changes in weight — loss or set

In type 1 diabetes, a person constantly eats, but loses weight, and in type 2 diabetes, they may gain weight. Here it is better to focus on changes in appetite and other signs of the disease. At the first sign of noticeable weight loss or weight gain in combination with one or two other symptoms, you should take a blood test for sugar.

Bell # 5. Diabetic Neuropathy — numbness of limbs

Nerve endings are damaged due to the increased level of sugar in the blood. This leads to a feeling of numbness in the fingers and toes, pain may appear. If you immediately turn to a doctor and start a course of treatment, the development of neuropathy will stop. If you ignore the symptom, it will only get worse, which over time will lead to the appearance of trophic ulcers.

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Metabolic disorders in the body: signs and complications Bell # 6. Blurred vision — like in fog

With type 2 diabetes, vision problems appear. When the sugar level rises, everything around seems to be covered in a haze. When normalize — vision is restored. If treatment is started on time, the symptom disappears, and if you do not seek help, then vision may deteriorate over time. Possible blindness.

Bell # 7. Fungal diseases and non-healing wounds

In patients with diabetes, recovery functions are impaired, immunity is reduced, so wounds can heal for a long time. The organism is attacked by fungi. If you notice itching in the genitals or non-healing sores on the body, you should immediately donate blood for analysis.

My default imageSymptom # 0: Earliest changes in type 2 diabetes

There is a symptom that almost no one pays attention to, but it appears before the insatiable thirst. With type 2 diabetes, the skin in the areas of the joints darkens. If you see color changes on the neck, elbows or knees, do not rush to run for whitening cosmetics. Perhaps the reason is a metabolic disorder.

My default imageYou should immediately contact a therapist, undergo an examination, take blood and urine tests. Based on the results, it will already become clear whether there is a cause for alarm. If the sugar level is really elevated, start treatment immediately. This will help to avoid serious complications in the future.

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Heart attack in women: symptoms and features The main thing about the first signs of diabetes

Track any changes in health. When it comes to diabetes, there are no trifles. The following symptoms should alert:

Skin discoloration in  joint areas.
    This may not be a cosmetic defect at all, but the earliest symptom of type 2 diabetes.
  • Thirst and hunger.
  • Don blame it on seasonal changes, better get a blood test right away.
  • Problems with sight.
  • "World in fog" — good reason to see a doctor.
  • Non-healing sores.
  • If you are constantly attacked by infections, and there are sores on the body, this is serious.
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The  risk group is people over 45 years old, overweight, and those who have had diabetics in the family. But this does mean that the disease will bypass everyone else. Stay alert.

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