Пластика век: преимущества, особенности и показания

"Eyes — mirror of the soul — this folk wisdom has its own meaning. According to the eyes and the condition of the skin around them, one can assess what state of mind and mood a person is in, what lifestyle he leads, whether he is healthy. Hanging eyelids, multiple folds and wrinkles easily "throw" by the age of 5 & ndash; 10 years. Each representative of the fair sex wants to always remain young and beautiful, so many women resort to such a procedure as blepharoplasty. From the article estet-portal.com you will learn how eyelid surgery is performed for whom it is indicated and contraindicated, what complications can be after surgery, what is the recovery period and how long are the results of surgical correction of the eyelids.

Features of the procedure, indications and contraindications

Eyelid surgery — a unique procedure that can significantly transform a person. Usually, the operation is carried out in cases where it is necessary: ​​

  • lift the upper and lower eyelids (eliminate age-related ptosis);
  • remove excess skin or fatty hernias;
  • correct the shape of the eyes;
  • remove the consequences of trauma, inflammation or complications after maxillofacial or ophthalmic surgery;
  • get rid of "bags" under the eyes;
  • remove colobomas (triangular or crescent-shaped birth defects).

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Note that mimic wrinkles and crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, blepharoplasty does not eliminate — for this, injection techniques and peelings are used. Most often, eyelid surgery is indicated for women and men over 40, when the corner of the eye drops due to loss of epidermal turgor, due to which excess skin of the upper eyelid lies on the ciliary edge, hernias and fat bags appear under the eyes.

Blepharoplasty is indicated mainly for patients over 40 years of age, when the skin becomes flabby and the corner of the eye moves down, excess skin sags, and fat bags protrude under the eyes.

In general, the operation is safe, but it has a number of contraindications:

  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • myopathy;
  • presence of oncological  diseases.

Surgery and recovery period

If blepharoplasty is performed as a separate operation, and not in combination with a facelift or other rejuvenating procedures, it is performed under local anesthesia. The operation is simple — the specialist makes several incisions with cosmetic sutures, which will subsequently be almost invisible.

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Depending on the amount of work, the patient spends from 20 minutes to an hour and a half on the operating table.


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Rehabilitation after eyelid surgery is not difficult, so hospitalization is usually not required. Immediately after the end of the operation, a tight bandage is applied to the eyes to reduce swelling. After 5-6 hours it can be removed. It is better not to leave the house until the stitches are removed (which happens after 6-7 days). By this time, there is usually no swelling or bruising. Sometimes traces may remain longer (maximum period — 30 days). At this time, wear sunglasses (regardless of the season) and use allergy-free cosmetics.

Duration of effect and possible complications

The effect of blepharoplasty lasts long enough — minimum 57 years, after which, if desired, re-eyelid surgery can be performed. Basically, the operation is performed up to 3 times, but in some cases there may be exceptions.

The result of eyelid surgery is maintained for at least 5-7 years, after which, if the patient wishes, the operation can be repeated.

Such surgical manipulations are low-traumatic and simple to perform. Despite the fact that the operation is performed near the eyeball, there is no danger to vision. The only thing that every patient should know — due to blepharoplasty, the shape of the incision of the eyes may be slightly changed.

It is worth noting that the competent choice of a qualified doctor and a well-established clinic for blepharoplasty significantly increases the safety of the procedure and the chances of obtaining the desired result.

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