Lack of proper sleep affects not only the well-being and performance of a person, but can also provoke hormonal disruptions in the body and disrupt the biological clock. At the same time, only a day spent without sleep has a detrimental effect on the body and, among other things, this leads to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes, confirms Also, if you disturb the sleep pattern all the time, psychological deviations can develop: depressive states, irritability, etc.

The body's internal biological clock

 Circadian rhythms are the body's internal biological clock that “tick” even in the absence of external incentives. However, despite this, their work is still affected by:

  • environmental conditions, in particular daylight hours,
  • Change of seasons.

  Such an internal clock is built into a special part of the brain, which is called the "suprachiasmatic nucleus". It contains neurons responsible for regulating the circadian rhythms of our body.

Scientists have found that in this way the human body manages to understand what season it is at the moment, and on the basis of this it regulates the work of certain genes that are responsible for the functioning of the immune system.

The influence of daylight hours on the human body

The work of the biological clock affects our well-being even within one day. Thanks to numerous studies on this topic, scientists have come to the conclusion that provided that the day is extended with the help of artificial lighting and work at night:

  • the work of the hormonal system gets confused,
  • there is a change in psychological state,
  • having trouble sleeping,
  • Women experience reproductive dysfunction.

 Also, a long daylight hours provokes a malfunction of brown fat cells, which causes the accumulation of fatty acids and glucose in the body. For this reason develops:

  • type 2 diabetes,
  • cardiovascular disease.

Due to hormonal failure due to lack of sleep, the body begins to “demand” give him more sweet and fatty foods

Such studies concerned only the study of the state of health of those people whose day and night regimen has gone astray due to overtime work and study. Later, the researchers decided to find out how much time spent without sleep can trigger a disruption in circadian rhythms.


Read also: Melatonin: what does the miraculous sleep hormone do

How many sleepless nights cause circadian disruption and obesity?

 The experiment, which was conducted by a group of researchers from Sweden and Germany, involved 15 people with no bad habits and chronic diseases. All subjects were:

Сколько ночей без сна провоцируют сбой циркадных ритмов и развитие ожирения? During the first part of the study, the scientists took blood, fat and muscle tissue samples from each of the participants in the experiment after all 15 people spent 2 nights with little or no sleep. At the same time, sleepless nights were separated by a period of 4 weeks, during which the subjects led their usual way of life.

After that, the people who participated in the experiment spent a day in the laboratory under the close supervision of doctors. During the day, all subjects ate the same food, and at night sleep for 7-8 hours. After the scientists again took tissue samples from the participants in the experiment. They got disappointing conclusions.

Why do obesity and diabetes develop when the biological clock fails?

It turned out that the usual number of DNA methyl groups was disturbed during the first day of wakefulness. In particular, the genes responsible for the work of the biological clock suffered. Moreover, genes began to show themselves differently:

  • muscle tissue,
  • adipose tissue,

which definitely indicates that the organism is "out of sync"; by himself. According to the researchers, it is this phenomenon that leads to metabolic disorders.

The authors of the study are confident that just a day without sleep leads to a failure of circadian rhythms. Thus, night work often causes the development of obesity and diabetes diabetes.

As a consequence of these experiments, in order for our health to be in excellent shape, we, like air, need 8 hours of quality sleep and a 24-hour circadian life schedule.

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