Почему круги под глазами не исчезают и можно ли их убрать

Dark circles under the eyes almost always appear after a sleepless night – and this is normal, during the day they disappear without a trace. But why do circles under the eyes appear when you sleep all night, and do not disappear even after applying cosmetics designed to get rid of them? What could be the reason for their appearance and should I go to the doctor? The latter may seem absurd to many, because why rush to the hospital because of such a trifle! However, not all so simple.

The editors of estet-portal.com will talk about why circles appear under the eyes – and how to get rid of them.

Circles under the eyes: a list of "harmless" causes of

Dark circles under the eyes can appear not only due to lack of sleep or late sitting at the computer. At the same time, even healthy sleep and vitamins are not always enough to prevent their occurrence.

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There are many more reasons:

1. Genetics. Perhaps you literally inherited dark circles under the eyes from one of your parents. That is, the close location of the vessels in this area is typical for you from birth.

2. Sleeping too long. Sleeping too short can also turn the area under the eyes sallow. At this time, blood saturated with oxygen accumulates under the eyes. And if you stay in bed for too long, then it provokes the appearance of dark circles.

3. Lack of fluids. If you drink little water during the day, then over time it will affect your appearance. Remember that we are talking about water, and not about any other liquid – juice, soda, tea.

4. Allergies. Allergens cause inflammation in the sinuses, which increases blood flow, giving the eye area a grayish tint.

5. Colds. During a runny nose, dark circles under the eyes – widespread phenomenon. This is not surprising, because shortness of breath does not contribute to healthy sleep.

6. Long work at the computer, eye fatigue.

All these reasons are unpleasant, but they do not carry any danger. Besides, all this – fixable. Except for genetics. Although in cosmetology there is a technique when using a laser they affect the vessels in this area in order to get rid of the bluish tint.

Read also: How to remove dark circles under the eyes: cosmetic and home methods

when with the help of a laser they affect the vessels in this area in order to get rid of the cyanotic tint.

Read also: My default imageHow to remove dark circles under the eyes: cosmetic and

home methods

when with the help of a laser they affect the vessels in this area in order to get rid of the cyanotic tint.

Read also:
How to remove dark circles under the eyes: cosmetic and

home methods

My default image

Why circles under the eyes – is this a reason to see a doctor Next, we will look at why circles under the eyes do not disappear even after you have eliminated the causes described above. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor, because everything can be much more serious than a lack of quality sleep or fluid in the body:

• low hemoglobin level;

• diseases of the heart or blood vessels; My default image• renal insufficiency;

• iron deficiency anemia.

Also, among the reasons, it is worth highlighting the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer in the eye area. Here, the skin is more delicate, so it is the first to react to age-related changes in the body. In this case, a consultation with a cosmetologist will help, who will help you choose a set of measures that can restore your beauty of sight.
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How to get rid of circles under the eyes for adults
Why circles under the eyes appear, we have already found out. And if we are not talking about some kind of pathology in the body, then getting rid of them is quite easy. Just arm yourself with the following tips:

My default image1. Drink plenty of water
– it is necessary for normal blood circulation and lymph outflow. Lack of fluid leads to congestion and the appearance of dark circles.
2. Normalize sleep.
Get enough sleep, and for this you need a full 8-hour rest. No need to sleep longer – this leads to the same problem as its lack. Pay attention to your posture while sleeping – It is best to sleep on your back.
3. Review the diet. Remove foods that containing a large amount of salts and food additives. In principle, they negatively affect the condition of the skin, and are also able to retain water in the body.

4. Get rid of bad habits.

Alcohol abuse and smoking – that only contributes to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

5. Reduce the amount of time spent at the PC.

Don't "sit"; on the phone before bed. So you put a lot of strain on your eyes, which leads not only to the appearance of circles, but also to vision problems. Alcohol abuse and smoking – that only contributes to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. 5. Reduce the amount of time spent at the PC.

Don't "sit"; on the phone before bed. So you put a lot of strain on your eyes, which leads not only to the appearance of circles, but also to vision problems.

Alcohol abuse and smoking – that only contributes to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

5. Reduce the amount of time spent at the PC. Don't "sit"; on the phone before bed. So you put a lot of strain on your eyes, which leads not only to the appearance of circles, but also to vision problems. As you can see, you can cope with circles under the eyes by reconsidering your lifestyle. More rest for the eyes, good sleep, normal nutrition without frills, no bad habits – all this will help not only solve this particular problem, but also improve well-being. Read also: How to get your face in order: 3 best ways See us on YouYube:  

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