Почему опасны ночная работа и сон при свете

Sleep – an integral part of the life of the organism of all living beings. This is a period of recovery and "reboot" body, when renewal occurs at the cellular level, and our brain is resting. Therefore, not only morning well-being, but also health in general directly depends on the quality of sleep.

That's why night work and sleep in the light – not at all what our body needs. But how exactly does this way of life affect us? The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you why to work at night and sleep with the lights on – definitely bad ideas.

Night work and its health hazards

Night shift at work – not uncommon in many professions. And many do not see anything wrong with this, because you can always sleep off during the day. Of course, this disrupts the natural rhythm of life, makes you carefully plan business and leisure. But there is a danger in working at night, more serious than the risk of falling asleep right during the shift.

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Researchers at the University of Montreal have found that working at night increases the risk of developing cancer. In particular, women are more likely to get breast cancer. For several years, experts observed 13,000 women who worked the night shift about three days a week. As a result, 6.1 thousand were eventually diagnosed with breast cancer.

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What explains this relationship? The fact is that the night work schedule disrupts the production of melatonin. The lack of this hormone leads to the risk of getting a dangerous disease. In particular, women can "get" breast cancer.

At the same time, scientists note that melatonin production returns to normal only two years after a person switched to a daily work schedule.

Read also: How sleep and the nervous system are connected: why it is important to sleep properly

Light sleep: why it is bad for health

Most often, small children fall asleep in the light. They are afraid of the dark and the need to be alone in a room. Therefore, often parents leave the light on so that the child can fall asleep. Over time, the fear of the dark disappears. But not everyone – there are adults who find it uncomfortable to fall asleep without the lights on. By this time, there is no longer any fear, but the habit – remained. Why is she dangerous?

Insomnia overcomes every night: what to do

The habit of sleeping with the lights on leads to the following negative consequences:

•    insomnia;

•    obesity;

•    depression;

•    psychosomatic illness;

•    cancer tumors;

•    brittle nails;

•    earthy skin tone;

•    dim hair.

The thing is that when the light is on, the body does not produce the hormone melatonin. It is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems, slows down the development of cancer cells, and affects metabolic processes. Its deficiency leads to weight gain, pain, depression.

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The most terrible scenario for the development of the situation – crayfish. Regular sleep in the light leads to the fact that the body, as it were, "forgets" about the need to produce melatonin, reduces its rate. As a result – insomnia.

Read also: How the hormone melatonisan helps prevent aging

How to explain the above? The fact is that as a result of the included light, the quality of sleep is also disturbed. Result – fatigue, low mood, apathy. The lack of melatonin also leads to accelerated aging of the body. Women may experience menopause earlier. Therefore, sleep in complete darkness is needed to maintain health and youth.

Should I Take Melatonin for Sleep: 5 Reasons to Consider

How to learn to sleep peacefully without light

A child can be taught to sleep without light gradually. This is perfect for a night light. It should be dim, with the most subdued light. Also, children fall asleep better with their favorite toy. Create all conditions so that the child is not afraid to fall asleep without light.

But if an adult is faced with a problem, then other measures will be needed. Experts give the following recommendations:

1.    Buy a night light – and learn to fall asleep under its subdued light.

2.    Do not use your smartphone or computer before bed – they have a negative effect on the process of falling asleep.

3.    Contact your doctor – he may prescribe melatonin or sleeping pills.

4.    Try to accustom yourself gradually. Perhaps, at first, irritability, a feeling of discontent will disturb. But in time it will pass.

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As you can see, sleeping in the light and working at night – not at all what our body needs for health. Therefore, it is better not to abuse night shifts, but rather – refuse such work. Of course, such a radical step is not always possible. But if it's possible – use it. Can't sleep without the lamp on?

Replace it with a night light! The problems described above have a – disruption of melatonin production. And this leads to health problems, including – and cancer.

Read also: Why do you want to sleep during the day and how to deal with it

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